代写Oop | C++ | C代写 | 代写Assignment – C++ Practice

代写Oop | C++ | C代写 | 代写Assignment – 这是一个常规的C++代写任务 主要是练习面向对象编程,即OOP编程

C++ Practice

** c++ Programming Programming assignment ** Instructions:

**1. Read instructions carefully! **

  1. Use C++ syntax only, C syntax wont be allowed.
  2. Always use braces to define blocks.
  3. Organize your code well with proper indentation and a single statement per line.
  4. Always insert a space before and after each operator, e.g. a = b + c; not a=b+c;
  5. Use meaningful variable names following conventions using camelCasing .
  6. Comment your code to clarify your thoughts if needed but do NOT comment every single line of code!
  7. You may not use any library functions unless explicitly specified.
  8. Name each program problem1.cpp, problem2.cpp, etc. and upload each file to Canvas.
  9. Validate all input and re-prompt as long as an invalid value is entered! You dont need to validate the type.

Plagiarism : Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated! Plagiarized assignments will be reported to the Campus Disciplinarian.

Problem 1 Compute Sum 5 points Write a program that prompts the user to enter a positive integer. Use a l oop to compute the sum of all integers between 1 and the number entered.

Example : Enter a positive number: – 8 Invalid! Enter a positive number: 8 Sum: 36

Problem 2 Sea Level Rise 6 points Write a program that computes the rise of ocean levels for the next x years where x is an integer larger than 2 entered by the user. Use #include to properly align the output match the formatting in the example below.

Example: Enter a value (>2): 1 Invalid! Enter a value (>2): 8 Years | Sea level rise

1 | 1.5mm 2 | 3.0mm 3 | 4.5mm 4 | 6.0mm 5 | 7.5mm 6 | 9.0mm 7 | 10.5mm



Problem 3 Checking Account 19 points Write a program that simulates a checking account. Initially, the program prompts the user to open an account and deposit an initial balance of at least $20. Afterwards, the program repeatedly shows a menu with the following options:

  1. Depositing money
  2. Withdrawing money
  3. Viewing the current balance
  4. Exit Split your program using functions. Define the following prototypes and implement them below the main: // shows menu, prompts for and returns valid option int promptOption(); // prompts for amount (>0) to deposit and adds it to the balance void deposit(float &balance); // prompts for amount (>0) to withdraw and // subtracts it from the balance void withdraw(float &balance); Example: Open Account How much would you like to deposit? (at least $20): 10 Invalid! Enter a value (at least $20): 25

Menu 1 Deposit money 2 Withdraw money 3 View balance 0 exit Select an option: 4 Invalid! Select an option: 1 –DEPOSIT– Amount: 0 Invalid! Enter an amount larger than 0: 5

Menu 1 Deposit money 2 Withdraw money 3 View balance 0 exit Select an option: 2 –WITHDRAWAL– Amount: – 10 Invalid! Enter an amount larger than 0: 10

1 Deposit money
2 Withdraw money
3 View balance
0 exit
Select an option: 3
Balance: $20.
1 Deposit money
2 Withdraw money
3 View balance
0 exit
Select an option: 0

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