代写Oop | C++ | C代写 | 代写Assignment – 这是一个常规的C++代写任务 主要是练习面向对象编程,即OOP编程
C++ Practice
** c++ Programming Programming assignment ** Instructions:
**1. Read instructions carefully! **
- Use C++ syntax only, C syntax wont be allowed.
- Always use braces to define blocks.
- Organize your code well with proper indentation and a single statement per line.
- Always insert a space before and after each operator, e.g. a = b + c; not a=b+c;
- Use meaningful variable names following conventions using camelCasing .
- Comment your code to clarify your thoughts if needed but do NOT comment every single line of code!
- You may not use any library functions unless explicitly specified.
- Name each program problem1.cpp, problem2.cpp, etc. and upload each file to Canvas.
- Validate all input and re-prompt as long as an invalid value is entered! You dont need to validate the type.
Plagiarism : Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated! Plagiarized assignments will be reported to the Campus Disciplinarian.
Problem 1 Compute Sum 5 points Write a program that prompts the user to enter a positive integer. Use a l oop to compute the sum of all integers between 1 and the number entered.
Example : Enter a positive number: – 8 Invalid! Enter a positive number: 8 Sum: 36
Problem 2 Sea Level Rise 6 points Write a program that computes the rise of ocean levels for the next x years where x is an integer larger than 2 entered by the user. Use #include
Example: Enter a value (>2): 1 Invalid! Enter a value (>2): 8 Years | Sea level rise
1 | 1.5mm 2 | 3.0mm 3 | 4.5mm 4 | 6.0mm 5 | 7.5mm 6 | 9.0mm 7 | 10.5mm
Problem 3 Checking Account 19 points Write a program that simulates a checking account. Initially, the program prompts the user to open an account and deposit an initial balance of at least $20. Afterwards, the program repeatedly shows a menu with the following options:
- Depositing money
- Withdrawing money
- Viewing the current balance
- Exit Split your program using functions. Define the following prototypes and implement them below the main: // shows menu, prompts for and returns valid option int promptOption(); // prompts for amount (>0) to deposit and adds it to the balance void deposit(float &balance); // prompts for amount (>0) to withdraw and // subtracts it from the balance void withdraw(float &balance); Example: Open Account How much would you like to deposit? (at least $20): 10 Invalid! Enter a value (at least $20): 25
Menu 1 Deposit money 2 Withdraw money 3 View balance 0 exit Select an option: 4 Invalid! Select an option: 1 –DEPOSIT– Amount: 0 Invalid! Enter an amount larger than 0: 5
Menu 1 Deposit money 2 Withdraw money 3 View balance 0 exit Select an option: 2 –WITHDRAWAL– Amount: – 10 Invalid! Enter an amount larger than 0: 10
1 Deposit money
2 Withdraw money
3 View balance
0 exit
Select an option: 3
Balance: $20.
1 Deposit money
2 Withdraw money
3 View balance
0 exit
Select an option: 0