分布式|java代写|操作系统|OS-Distributed and Operating Systems

分布式|java代写|操作系统|OS : 这是一个

COMPSCI 677 Distributed and Operating Systems

Spring 2018

Programming Assignment 3: Asterix and the Olympic Games (Fault

Tolerant edition)

You may work in groups of two for this lab assignment.
This project has two purposes: to familiarize you with concepts in caching and fault tolerance
You can be creative with this project. You should implement the lab in python but are free to use any
abstractions such as sockets, RPCs, RMIs, threads, events, etc. that might be needed. You can also
build on the code that you wrote for the previous lab.

A: The problem

After the tremendous success of the winter Olympic games, the Gauls are preparing for the summer
Olympic games. The summer games are expected to be singificantly more popular and draw more
traffic than the winter games.

Part 1: Caching and Cache Consistency

The Gauls are continuing their effort to prepare for the expected surge in the number of smart stones
accessing sports information. Both performance and reliability enhancements are planned. Previously
the front-end stone server was replicated but each request still needed to access a backend database,
which resulted in slow disk I/Os To enhance performance, Obelix has decided to add a cache to each
front-end server. The cache stores a copy of recently accessed scores for each sport. When a tablet
makes a request to the stone server, the front-end server first checks the cache to see if the requested
data is cached. In the event of a cache hit, the cached data is used to service the request. Since the
cache is a memory cache, cache hits avoid the need for disk I/O at the database server and reduce
latency. However, if the request results in a cache miss, the front-end servers must request data from
the backend server like before. Like before Cacofonix sends sports score updates to the stone server.
Since the scores are frequently updated, cache consistency is a must. The Gauls do not like their fish or
their sports scores to be stale! To serve fresh up-to-date scores, Obelix has decided to implement two
approaches to cache consistency: push-based consistency and pull-based consistency. In push-based
consistency, each front-end server tracks what scores are cached within its local cache. Upon receiving
an update, it sends this update to the backend server and sends cache invalidate messages to caches at
other front-end servers that cache this score. Cache invalidate messages cause the cache to remove the
corresponding item from the cache and a subsequent request causes a cache miss and the item is
brought back into the cache. In pull-based consistency, it is responsibility of the cache to periodically
poll the front-end server to check if the data has changed. If data is unchanged, it remains in the cache,
otherwise the stale data is removed. The frequency at which the caches poll the server determines the
degree of freshness. You are free to implement any approach to determine the poll frequency---the
frequency can be fixed or determined based on popularity (more popular sports see more frequent
Your system needs to support both push and pull-based techniques. However when the system starts
up, you need to provide a configuration option that specifies which of the two should be used.

Part 2: Fault Tolerance

To ensure reliability, the front-end servers must be able to handle failures. In this lab, only crashfailures of the front end need to be handled. Assume that one of the front end servers can fail at anypoint. Implement heartbeat messages to detect the presence of a failure and have the remaining frontend take over the tasks of the failed server. This may involve (i) informing the Cacofonix server to sendsubsequent updates to the new server (if needed), (ii) informing clients to send subequent requests tothe new server (you can assume that clients register themselves with the Stone server at startup andhence the servers know all clients accessing the server). Your code must be able to handle the crashfailure of either front-end server. Further, your code must be able to handle recovery — when thecrashed server comes back up, it should be able to resume operation by taking over its originalresponsibilities (e.g., roughly half the clients are reassigned to the server and if the server was receivingupdates previously, it should do so again). Like before, assume that the front end servers not onlyreceive requests for scores but one of them also receives score updates from the Cacofonix process andthen sends an update to the database tier. Further, while the API exposed by front-end servers isidentical to labs 1 and 2. You may make suitable modifications to the interface for tasks related to clientregistrations, caching and fault tolerance. as well as design any internal interface between the caches,the front-end and back-end processes for this purpose (you can deisgn it any way you wish and thisinterface should be documented in your README file).

Like before assume that there are N tablets, each of which is a client, that needs to be periodicallyupdated with sports scores. ( N should be configurable in your system).

Like before, Cacofonix, the village bard, is responsible for providing Obelix’s server live updates fromthe olympic stadium, which he does by singing the scores and thereby sending updated scores to one ofthe front-end servers.

Optional Extra Credit Part:

This part is optional and may be attempted for extra credit. This part can take significant effort and youshould attempt it only if the rest of your lab is complete and in good shape. Consider a system withfour front-end servers and a single database server. Assume that the village is infiltrated with a Romanspy who may corrupt one of the servers by hacking into them and causing them to fail in a Byzantinefashion (i.e., failed servers no longer crash, they can see Byzantine faults).

Assume that the servers implement consensus using Paxos or RAFT in this sytem to avoid problems.Also, assume that there are 4 front-end replicas and that each request is sent to all of them and thereplicas run Paxos to reach agreement on the answer or run RAFT to each agreement on the order ofrequests before providing a reply to a request. How might such a system work? Explain clearly how thePaxos or RAFT algorithm can be used by your front-end servers and you would have implemented it inyour current design. Do not blindly cut and paste the algorithm from the class slides or from theInternet – you are expected to gain some faimiliarity with it and come up with a design that uses Paxosor RAFT. Provide a writeup of your design with the main design document. You can pick either Paxosor RAFT for this part – there is no need to do both.

Finally, implement your Paxos or RAFT design in the front-end nodes and conduct a simpleexperiment to demonstrate it works (e.g., the system functions even when nodes fail or one of the nodeproduces an incorrent answer).


  1. You need to implement BOTH Part 1 and Part 2. The extra credit part is optional.
  2. All the requirements of Project 2 still apply to Project 1, except that you no longer needs vectorclocks or clock syncronization.Other requirements:
No GUIs are required. Simple command line interfaces and textual output of scores and medal
tallies are fine.
You are free to develop your solution on any platform, but please ensure that your programs
compile and run on the edlab machines (See note below).

B. Performance Evaluation and Measurement

1. Compute the average response time of your new server as before for different number of clients and
request rates. Comment on the performance improvements, if any, observed due to caching.
2. Design tests to compare pull and push-based consistency. Make observations on much stale data is
observed in pull-based consistency in your design.
3. Design test to show the reliability of your system when a front-end server fails. Demonstrate that
recovery can also be performed.
Make necessary plots to support your conclusions.

C. What you will submit

When you have finished implementing the complete assignment as described above, you will submit yoursolution in github. Do not treat gihub as a final submission site where you only submit the final submission.You must use github for code development throughout the lab. Check in your code, test cases, documentationregularly as you work on the lab. We will look at your check-in history, number of commits, comments onyour commits, etc., and assign points for proper use of github (see grading policy below).Each program must work correctly and be documented. The final submission on githiub should contain:

1. A README file listing the names of students in your group (do not include student IDs) as well as
how to run your code. If we can't run it, we can't grade it. The REAMDE file should be a simple "user
manual" of how to setup and run your code on the ed-lab.
2. source code in the src directory for all three parts, with in-line comments.
3. An electronic copy of the output generated by running your program. Print informative messages when
a client or server receives and sends key messages and the scores/medal tallies.
4. A seperate design document of approximately three pages describing the overall program design, a
description of "how it works", and design tradeoffs considered and made. Be sure to document the
design of EACH part separately. Also describe possible improvements and extensions to your program
(and sketch how they might be made).
5. A seperate description of the tests you ran on your program to convince yourself that it is indeed
correct. Also describe any cases for which your program is known not to work correctly.
6. Performance results.

D. Grading policy for all programming assignments

1. Program Listing
works correctly ------------- 60% (30% for each of the two parts)
in-line comments / documentation -------- 5%
2. Design Document
quality of design doc, through description and understandability ------------ 10%
Creativity of your program design --------- 10%
3. Use of github with checkin comments --- 5%
4. Measurement, Performance, Evaluation ---------- 10%
5. Grades for late programs will be lowered 12 points per day late.

1. Note about edlab machines

  1. We expect that most of you will work on this lab on your own machine or a machine to which you haveaccess. However we will grade your submission by running it on the EdLab machines, so please keepthe following instructions in mind.
  2. You will soon be given accounts on the EdLab. Read more about edlab and how to access it here
  3. Although it is not required that you develop your code on the edlab machines, we will run and test yoursolutions on the edlab machines. Testing your code on the edlab machines is a good way to ensure thatwe can run and grade your code. Remember, if we can’t run it, we can’t grade it.
  4. There are no visiting hours for the edlab. You should all have remote access to the edlab machines.Please make sure you are able to log into and access your edlab accounts.
  5. IMPORTANT – No submissions are to be made on edlab. Submit your solutions only via github.


1. Who are the Gauls? Read about them on Wikipedia.
2. Stumped on how to proceed? Review the comic book Asterix at the Olympic Games from your
local library. Better yet, ask the TA or the instructor by posting a question on the Piazza 677
questions. General clarifications are best posted on Piazza. Questions of a personal nature
regarding this lab should be asked in person or via email.

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