数据挖掘代写|C代写|CS代写|IR系统设计: 这是一个涉及IR系统设计的软件开发课程代写
In this project you identify the tokens and build an efficient and scalable IR
System. To build the index, you need to identify the tokens that need to be
stored. Your search engine will have several indexes, namely, single term index,
positional index of single terms, phrase index, and stem index. Use the sortbased
algorithm for building the inverted index. You will compare the timing
with the case that is based on the assumption of unlimited memory. And you
will apply different retrieval strategies/models and similarity measures to
perform relevance ranking. You must evaluate how your engine does. For this,
you will be using the same Mini-Trec created from the TREC benchmark data
provided by NIST, along with Trec title queries. The qrels file has “presumably”
the relevant documents to each of the queries in the query file. Using treceval,
(provided by Trec) you will evaluate the accuracy of your IR engine. Data are
from a TREC benchmark dataset.
1. Parser/Tokenizer Requirements:
1. Identify each token – this is each single term that can be a word, a number,
etc. Each token is identified as the one separated from the other token by a
space, period, symbols (^,*,#,@, $ …). These symbols should not be stored.
However, consider special cases such as those listed under the special tokens
2. Perform case folding and change all to lower case.
3. Identify and store special tokens- such as:
a) Terms such as the following examples may be written in different ways and
thus, should be normalized and stored and searched in a common way: Ph.D.,
Ph.D, Phd, PhD, and phd are the same and should be stored as one common
way, for example as phd. Similarly, other cases such as , U.S.A, USA, usa
should be stored as a common way such as “usa”; B.S., BS should be stored as
“bs”; M.S., MS should be “ms”; etc. (see the class notes for various cases listed
on the slides).
b) Do not remove the monetary values along with their symbols.
c) Alphabet-digit: Example: “F-16”, “I-20”. Keep them as one term without
hyphen: “f16” and “i20”. The alphabets are stored as a separate term if there are
three or more letters. Examples: CDC-50 should be stored both as “cdc50”, and
as “cdc”.
d) Digit-alphabet: Same rule as in (c) but vise versa. Keep the combination as
one term and keep also the alphabet(s) after the hyphen as a separate term, if it is
more than 3 letters. Example: “1-hour” is stored both as “1hour” and as “hour”.
e) Hyphenated terms: keep terms that have a prefix such as “pre” and “post”
before term with the term. Example: “pre-processing” is stored both as
“preprocessing” and as “processing”. If the pre-fix is not “pre”, “post”, “re”, etc
(come up with some common pre-fixes), then also store separately both terms
before and after hyphen, plus the combination as one term. Example: “black-tie”
should be stored as “black”, “tie”, and “blacktie”. Also consider the case that the
term has up to three (1,2, or 3) hypens, such as “part-of-speech”. This should be
stored as “part”, “speech”, and “partofspeech” in the single term index.
f) Change dates such as listed below to one of the formats among the same list
(see the constraints listed below). Your rule should rule out invalid dates such as
“242/11/2004” or “05/40/2000”) and do not store them. When changing yy to
yyyy note that it is only from the last 100 years (95 can be changed to 1995 but
not to 1895 nor to 2095; or 05 can be changed to 2005 but not to 1905 nor to
1805). Example of the date formats are: MM/DD/YYYY MM-DD-YYYY
Month Name DD, YYYY (e.g., January 11, 1995)
g) Chang digit formats such as 1000.00, 1,000.00 and 1,000 to 1000.
h) Store the file extensions such as .pdf, .html, etc. without the period.
i) Store Email addresses as one term.
j) Store IP addresses.
k) Store URLs.
4. Identify two-term and three-term phrases – Phrases are to be identified as term
sequences that do not cross stop-words, punctuation marks, special symbols like
(‘.’, ’:’, ‘@’, ‘#’ etc) or special terms (mentioned above). For example in a
sentence like “New York is the city that never sleeps”, the phrases would be
“New York” and “never sleeps”. Keep a count of their frequency to filter out
non-useful phrases. You also have the option to use a Part-Of-Speech Tagger
and Name Entity Taggers to identify phrases.
Note: Only tokenize text between
5. Plug/add the Porter stemmer to stem the terms for the lexicon of the stem
2.Index-builder Requirements:
Create several indexes:
a. Single term index — do not include stop terms
b. Single term (including stop terms) positional index
c. Stem index
d. Phrase index
Read the memory constraint parameter. This parameter specifies the memory
requirements in term of number of triples, i.e., amount of data can be kept in
memory. Put this constraint as 1000, 10,000, and 100,000 triples. Use sort-based
algorithm to create inverted index. Capture system time needed to make the
inverted index. This is from the time your IR engine starts to read the documents
from the disk to tokenize/parse till the whole collection is indexed, i.e, the
inverted index is built and resides on the disk. If the size of the triple lists after
processing each document is greater than the size of memory constraint, then
you should make memory available before processing the next document by
writing the triples onto the disk. Assumptions are:
_Distinct term map for each document that is being processed fits into
_Lexicon fits into memory.
3.Query-Processing Requirements:
Inverted Index: Use your search engine that has single-term index, proximity
index, phrase index, and
stem index. (It is your choice as to the issue of memory requirements for this
project !)
Pre-processing of Queries: Enable your application to read a list of queries
from the query file. These queries are also tagged and need to be pre-processed
same as you did for the documents to identify the query terms. For the
experimentations that you search the stem-index, you need to stem query terms
at the time of query processing. Naturally, the stemming rules for both
documents and queries should be the same! For example if you used Porter
stemmer to stem the collection, use Porter stemmer to stem the query terms.
Note that the queries in the TREC query file are identified by their unique
numbers. You should only use the title part of the queries for retrieving
documents. Note that you need to identify the special terms in queries in the
same way that you have identified them in the documents. Similarly, in the sam
way that phrases are generated in the collection, create phrases from the query
Relevance Ranking: Using different information retrieval strategies and
similarity measures, perform the query processing to identify the relevant
documents and obtain relevance ranking.
a) Vector Space Model using Cosine measure — use normalized tf-idf
b) Probabilistic model – Use BM25
c) Language model: (Your choice of query likelihood with Dirichlet smoothing,
Evaluation: You are asked to do experimentations and gather statistics and
provide reports 1 &2, as specified below.
Identify the top 100 retrieved documents with their relevance ranking scores for
each query. These top retrieved documents for each query are used as an input to
treceval software to generate Average Precision over all queries. A description
of the format and how to use treceval is given on the blackboard. Then fill out
the tables for each specified case, as given for each report:
Report 1: Perform query processing and fill out the table. Include the MAP and
running time of your system when using the single term and the stem index, and
compare it to the MAP of Elasticsearch. Tune the preprocessing step and the
scoring function of Elasticsearch and analyze how they affect its performance.
Report 2: For each query, if the phrase terms are common (high document
frequency) send the query to the phrase index, otherwise send it to the
proximity index (Note: make sure you are demonstrating that both Phrase
index and Proximity index are utilized for query processing during this project
and they are functional). If not enough documents found then use single term
index or stem index (your choice). Make sure you configuration uses at least
two index if not all the four for each query. Provide your analysis. You can set
some threshold for the number of retrieved documents.
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Time (sec)
Query Processing Time
Your engine Elastic
Elastic Search
a) Cosine
b) BM25
c) LM
Retrieval model MAP Query Processing Time
a, b, or c (your choice)
Cover page (1 pt): should contain the following in the exact order as specified:
a. Status of this assignment: Complete or Incomplete. If incomplete, state clearly
what is incomplete.
b.Time spent on this assignment. Number of hours. c. Things you wish you had
been told prior to being given the assignment.
Design Document (10 pts): The design document should be written prior to
coding. There should not be any code in your design document. No specific
template is provided to you for your design. You may draw a diagram to show
the architecture and the flow of the software components, and/or to provide the
write-up of your design decisions.
A Functional System & Reports & Analysis (89 pts): Results should be used
to provide a good analysis of your engine. Thus, you are expected to provide a
good analysis along with your results. (The ElasticSearch results will receive a
total of 10 points)
Demo: You may be asked to give a demo of a working system, satisfying the
requirements. This includes explaining your design, demonstrating that all
requirements are implemented and are functional, and answering the questions.