作业homework | 代做c++ | openmp | assignment – OpenMP


作业homework | 代做c++ | openmp | assignment – OpenMP 这是一个关于openmp的题目, 主要考察了关于openmp的内容,是一个比较经典的题目, 是比较有代表性的c++/openmp等代写方向, 这个项目是assignment代写的代写题目

openmp代写 并行计算 cuda代做 mpi代做

2021/3/25 04 OpenMP

04 OpenMP

Due Saturday by 11:59am Points 20 Submitting a file upload
File Types tar, gz, tar.gz, and zip Available Mar 9 at 9pm - Mar 29 at 11:59am 20 days
Submit Assignment
The goal of this  assignment is to experience threading a solution using OpenMP. In this assignment, you
are to use  c++  openmp to concurrently solve two problems. Starting source projects can be found in the
Files/code section of Canvas named 2021_Spring_Hw03_Part1.tar.gz and
Part 1) Data Statistics. Part 1 is broken into two sub tasks:
1. Use OpenMP to decrease the execution time of a standard deviation calculation.
2. Use OpenMP to decrease the execution time of finding and storing the top values in the dataset.
Part 2) Matrix-Matrix Multiplication
Use OpenMP to decrease the execution time of a matrix-matrix multiplication calculation. In your
analysis, the performance of four versions must be compared:
1. Original unmodified
2. Original unmodified threaded
3. Optimized
4. Optimized threaded
Part 3) Performance Scalability Analysis
For each solution, evaluate for scalability and task size. Pick sizes of N that will force the task to occupy
L1, L2, L3 Cache and RAM. For those 4 cases, evaluate the performance for a range of number of
threads. Incorporate the following questions into your write-up:
How would you expect the performance to scale?
How does the performance actually scale in each situation?
Why would it scale the way it does?
How does the performance compare to your std::threads solution?

2021/3/25 04 OpenMP

https://psu.instructure.com/courses/2109084/assignments/12710177 2 / 2

Your  homework submission should be a zip file containing the following file structure and names:
  • hw4_.pdf // Your writeup (following the How to Write Technical Papers format).
  • _hw4_part1 // A folder containing your solution to hw2 part
  • sd_thread.cpp // Your subroutine solution
  • sd_thread.h // Your subroutine header file
  • Makefile // Your Makefile to compile your library
  • _hw4_part2 // A folder containing your solution to hw2 part
  • hw4_part2.cpp // Your subroutine solution (rename this from hw3)
  • hw4_part2.hpp // Your subroutine header file (rename this from hw3)
  • Makefile // Your Makefile to compile your library Please do not include any other files in your submission.
Evaluation and Expectations:
Your submission will be evaluated on two categories: Code Performance and Documentation.
For Code Performance, your libraries will be evaluated for both function and speed. If your library does
not replicate the original output, you will not receive credit for that part. The Rank of the speed will
determine the score earned in the code performance portion of the grade.
For Documentation, your write-up will be evaluated for how well you describe your effort and present
your results. It will also be evaluated for technical accuracy. Use the "How to Write Technical Papers" as
a guide. You do not need to use all sections of that document.
See the Homework Generic Rubric for additional guidance on how your assignment submission will be
Reminder, no credit will be earned for submissions that do not have your name in the documents (Write-
up AND source code).


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