Java Web代写 | 代写Html| 代写Java | Database代做 – 3-Tier Web Application Development

java Web代写 | 代写Html| 代写Java | Database代做 – 本次作业是基于java web为基础开发的 ,涉及了前端开发和后端,以及引入了database代做任务,是一个综合性的题目

PE52400 5 P PC in java 3-Tier webApplication Development

PIT4307X MVC Frameworks using JSF, Struts and Spring assignmentBrief Page 1 of 5

PIT4307X MVC Frameworks using JSF, Struts and Spring

Assignment 2 Brief
(Contributing to 2 0% of the total module marks)


In this assignment you are required to:
l Develop a web application (called Sports Tracker Application) for users to input and
record sports activities, the website will list out and summarize the sports data (eg. total
kilometer ran, total calories burned... etc) for the users.
l Implement the MVC pattern for developing the web application, with the model, view and
controller logic being encapsulated in different components. The implementation will be
done by applying one of the MVC frameworks, choosing from Spring MVC and JSF 2.
This is an INDIVIDUAL work.

A simplified scenario and background

(a) The web application provides the following functions for users:
n A home page that display the following:
u The applications name
u Links to the following functions:
l Add Activity
l Display Sports Summary
(b) When the user access the main URL of the application (e.g.
http://localhost:8080/sports-tracker-app), the home page should be displayed with the content
specified above
(c) For each sport activity record, the following fields should be maintained:
Field Name Data Type Length Mandatory Remarks
User Name String 40 Yes Name of the user
Sport Type Number 2 Yes Different number represent different type of
sports activities
Distance Number 3 No Distance of the activity
Calories Number 4 Yes No. of calories burned
Start Date Time Date Time 19 Yes Start date time of the activity
PE52400 5 P PC in Java 3-Tier Web Application Development

PIT4307X MVC Frameworks using JSF, Struts and Spring Assignment Brief Page 2 of 5

Finish Date Time Date Time 19 Yes Finish date time of the activity
(d) When the user clicks the Display Sports Summary link on the home page, the user should be
directed to the Display Sports Summary view. This view should include the following
n The applications name
n The title of the view
n The total number of activities recorded
n A table that list out all the activities, for each activity, all the 4 fields should be displayed
in the same row
n For privacy reason, part of the User Name should be masked with "x" when displayed
n The Date Time field should be displayed in the format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"
n A Back button should be provided at the bottom of the page, which directs user back to
the applications home page
(e) When the user clicks the Add Activity link on the home page, the user should be directed to
the Add Activity view. This view should include the following content:
n The applications name
n The title of the view
n A form that allows the user to select the activity type, and input his/her Full Name and
Telephone Number
n A Save button to save the activity
n A Cancel button to cancel the operation, and will cause the user to go back to the home
n The "Date Time" field should be auto generated by the system upon Submit
(f) In the Add Activity view, when user saves the activity record, validation should be done in
the model component of the MVC application. If validation failed, the same view should be
displayed, with the error message display to the user.
(g) A service class (namely the SportsService class) should be implemented as the backend
service layer of the application. This service class should maintain a List of activity records
(namely the Activity class) in a variable. databaseis * NOT * required for storing activity
(h) In the Add Activity view, when user submit an activity record and all validation were passed,
the activity record should be stored in memory (by using the SportsService class), and the user
should be directed to a page to indicate that the activity was submitted successfully. In this
success page, a link should be provided so that when user clicks on this link, he/she will be
directed to the home page.
PE52400 5 P PC in Java 3-Tier Web Application Development

PIT4307X MVC Frameworks using JSF, Struts and Spring Assignment Brief Page 3 of 5

Technical Specification

You are required to use the Java EE 7 .0 features to develop and deploy the system to solve the above
background needs.
You are required to develop one versions of the Sports Tracker Application. For this version, you
may choose to use one of the following framework:
  • Spring MVC framework
  • JSF framework
You are required to apply the following SKILLS for your new system:
  • Use MVC pattern, in which the logic for model, view and controller were encapsulated in different components
  • For the Spring MVC version of the application: n Spring version 3 or above should be used n JSP should be used as the view technology n The dispatcher servlet should be defined in the web deployment descriptor n Java Annotations (e.g. @Controller) should be used for declaring Spring MVC controllers, while other Spring beans should be defined in XML file
  • For the JSF version of the application: n JSF version 2.0 or above should be used n Facelets should be used as the template technology n Xhtmlshould be used as the view technology n The controller servlet should be defined in the web deployment descriptor n The JSF configurations, including the navigation rules and managed beans, should be defined in XML file or by using Annotations n Integration with Spring was NOT required


In addition to the system development, you are required to perform a presentation in the class to
introduce and demonstration your project
PE52400 5 P PC in Java 3-Tier Web Application Development

PIT4307X MVC Frameworks using JSF, Struts and Spring Assignment Brief Page 4 of 5

Additional requirements for your assignment

(a) Each student is required to complete this assignment individually
(b) Your web application must be developed with the following IDEs:
Framework specific version IDE to use for implement
Spring 3 MVC Netbeans 7 or above, or
SpringSource Tool Suite 3. 5 .0 or above
JSF Netbeans 7 or above

Marking Scheme

Total marks: 2 0 marks
Product ( 1 2 marks)
The functions implemented can be performed correctly and bug free in general situations. ( 3
The model, view and controller components were correctly used. ( 3 marks)
The web deployment descriptor, framework specific configuration files, message resources
bundles, interceptors were correctly configured. ( 3 marks)
The program code was clear and meaningful comments were added to the program codes. ( 3
Presentation ( 8 marks)
The web application was demonstrated smoothly and functions are bug free in most cases. ( 4
The web application was well-designed in screen design. (2 marks)
Well communicates the merits of the web applications and the process that was gone through to
reach the final product. ( 2 marks)

Submission Method

  • Submit your assignment through the Moodle Platform using your unique student login.
  • The projectshould be able to be imported directly to one of the above mentioned IDEs.

Late Penalty

Within 1 week 10% Marks Deduction
Within 2 weeks 20% Marks Deduction
PE52400 5 P PC in Java 3-Tier Web Application Development

PIT4307X MVC Frameworks using JSF, Struts and Spring Assignment Brief Page 5 of 5

More than 2 weeks No Mark

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