Web|Android|Unity代做|Assignment|代做Javascript|Java作业 – 这是一个比较典型的安卓代写任务,考察了安卓的基本开发流程
COURSEWORK assignment
Aim: To instill an understanding of good user interface practice. To provide knowledge of the capabilities of the human perceptual system and how user interfaces should be constructed to match the perceptual system.
Learning outcomes: Understand good and bad practice in user interfaces and to be able to specify, construct and test good interfaces Understand the capabilities of users and appreciate the needs of users when using systems.
Assessment criteria: Marks will be awarded for the design, functionality, usability and accessibility of the app/website, for evidence of usability evaluation and of compliance with accessibility guidelines and other standards relevant to usability. Marks will be awarded (or deducted) for the quality of written English, the adequacy of the bibliography and citations, overall presentation and layout. An indicative breakdown of marks is given on the marking sheet (attached).
Description of assignment:
For this assignment you may work individually, in pairs, or in groups of three; the detailed assessment criteria for each of these cases reflect the differing achievements that are expected.
Your task is to develop an app to provide public transport information for Norwich. The app must have a very strong focus on usability and on being accessible by a wide range of people, so you should consider issues such as colour vision deficiencies, poor visual acuity, dyslexia, poor fine motor control, unfamiliarity with app and web conventions, low literacy or poor command of English, …
The data streams available from transportapi (https://developer.transportapi.com/) are a good starting point. This provides train and bus information (JSON format). Flight information should be obtainable from FlightAware (https://uk.flightaware.com/commercial/flightxml/).
You are expected to develop your mobile app using either a HTML5/CSS/ javascript stack (web app) or java (targeting Android platforms). Pairs are expected to support a wider range of platforms (e.g. desktop as well as phone/tablet), a wider range of transport options and to have some user evaluation. Groups of three are expected to have, in addition, more extensive user evaluation, accessibility features to support a wider range of users and may also show freestanding apps for Android and IOS.
For Javascript, this will give you the opport unity to develop better web programming skills and techniques. For Java development you should already be familiar with the environment and most of the tools you’ll need. Other languages and stacks may be used with the approval of the module organiser.
This assignment has a report and a demonstration.
I Report The report should follow the conventions – particularly for references and citations – specified in the School’s writing guidelines (https://www.uea.ac.uk/computing/current-students/report-writing).
The report should contain:
- a discussion of your design, how it reflects usability and accessibility principles and heuristics, a discussion of the major design tradeoffs you made, any lo-fi prototyping you did, and any significant design issues you encountered;
- a description of your app/website, its functionality and appropriate documentation;
- a description and discussion of the evaluation of your app/website, including the major issues identified, how they have been addressed and any open issues in the app that impact its usability and accessibility.
The report should be no longer than four pages (individual), six pages (pair), eight pages (group of 3) including the bibliography; any image(s) of your prototype(s) and UML diagrams are in addition to this limit. Do not include a separate title page, as it will count towards the page limit. Any pages over the limit will not be marked.
Your report will be submitted as a PDF file via Blackboard.
II. A short demonstration Prepare a demonstration (15 minutes maximum), showing how your design and implementation reflect good practice for usability and accessibility. These are scheduled for Week 12; details to be confirmed. You will need to upload a copy of your system to Blackboard.
Resources: The DBLP bibliography server at http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/index.html is comprehensive – the CompleteSearch option is the best for keyword searches.
CMP- 6039 A marking sheet: Assignment 2 (individual)
Reg. No.
Design and
40 %
Well thought-out, principled design, good responsive implementation, good
10 design quality navigation, layout, consistency;
10 functionality
8 good quality implementation with few/no errors;
7 responsive design
5 code quality (layout, comments).
Usability and
30 %
Evidence of knowledge and understanding of usability principles, good
application of these principles, well-conducted usability evaluations,
knowledge and use of appropriate accessibility guidelines.
10 knowledge and understanding of usability principles;
10 application of usability principles;
10 accessibility features and testing.
Writing quality
10 %
Content, delivery and appearance of the report, including use of
graphs/pictures to present results and ideas.
5 quality of writing, grammar and spelling
2 bibliography
3 layout and figures/diagrams.
20 %
Organisation, structure and delivery of the demonstration; performance in
question answering.
5 organisation and structure
5 delivery
10 question answering
Additional comments
Marker 2
Mark %
CMP-6039A marking sheet: Assignment 2 (pair)
Reg. No.
Design and
35 %
Well thought-out, principled design with any appropriate documentation;
good implementation working on a wide range of platforms; good
7 design quality navigation, layout, consistency;
7 functionality
7 good quality implementation with few/no errors;
7 good accessibility;
7 responsive, cross-platform.
Usability and
40 %
Evidence of knowledge and understanding of usability principles, good
application of these principles, well-conducted usability evaluations,
knowledge and use of appropriate accessibility guidelines.
8 knowledge and understanding of usability principles;
8 application of usability principles;
8 usability evaluation;
8 accessibility features and testing
8 for any other interesting work.
Code and
writing quality
10 %
Content, delivery and appearance of the report, including use of
graphs/pictures to present results and ideas.
5 quality of writing, grammar and spelling
2 bibliography
3 layout and figures/diagrams
15 %
Organisation, structure and delivery of the demonstration; performance in
question answering.
3 organisation and structure
3 delivery
9 question answering
Additional comments
Marker 2
Mark %
CMP-6039A marking sheet: Assignment 2 (group of 3)
Reg. No.
Design and
35 %
Well thought-out, principled design with any appropriate documentation;
good implementation working on a wide range of platforms; good
6 design quality navigation, layout, consistency;
6 functionality
6 good quality implementation with few/no errors;
6 good accessibility;
11 responsive, cross-platform.
Usability and
40 %
Evidence of knowledge and understanding of usability principles, good
application of these principles, well-conducted usability evaluations,
knowledge and use of appropriate accessibility guidelines.
8 knowledge and understanding of usability principles;
6 application of usability principles;
10 usability evaluation;
6 accessibility features and testing
10 for any other interesting work.
Code and
writing quality
10 %
Content, delivery and appearance of the report, including use of
graphs/pictures to present results and ideas.
5 quality of writing, grammar and spelling
2 bibliography
3 layout and figures/diagrams
15 %
Organisation, structure and delivery of the demonstration; performance in
question answering.
3 organisation and structure
3 delivery
9 question answering
Additional comments
Marker 2