C++ | Project | 作业Data Structure | Database代做 – C++ Part II

Homework代做 | C++ | Project | 作业Data Structure | 代做Assignment | Database代做 – 这是一个综合C++代写,数据库,数据结构代做相关的project, 对综合能力考验较高

homework C++ Part II

In part 2 you will be adapting the code you wrote in part 1 to be more object oriented. Youll realize that organizing your data in objects not only makes your code more sleek, but also makes it more dynamic. Classes are perhaps the most fundamental Data structure in c++ and their use is ubiquitous in the real world. In this assignment you will become more familiar with the relationship between classes and objects while observing some of the benefits of this data abstraction. When creating classes, it is good programming practice to separate interface and implementation. This means defining your class in an .h file and implementing it in a .cpp file of the same name. Ultimately you will hand in five separate files, two for each class, and one driver file that will include a main function and your solutions from problems 3, 4 and 5.

Specifications Create two classes, Book and User. Define the two classes in header files and implement the classes in cpp files. In main() create arrays of Book and User objects, size 200 (Assume that we dont have more than 200 books and more than 200 users) Student should have five files (Book.h, Book.cpp, User.h, User.cpp, Hmwk7.cpp) The name of each member function should be exactly the as specified. If you modify the function names your solution will not pass the autograder.

Problem 1

**You should have separate files for class definition and implementation: Book.h and Book.cpp Create a class Book, with separate interface and implementation, comprised of the following attributes: Data members (private): string: title string: author Member functions (public): Default constructor Sets both title and author to empty strings Parameterized constructor Takes two strings for initializing title and author, in this order getTitle() Returns title as a string setTitle(string) (void) Assigns title the value of the input string getAuthor() Returns author as a string setAuthor(string) (void) Assigns author the value of the input string It is advisable to write your own test cases for each class. Test your class in Cloud9 before submitting to the autograder, as the autograder has a submission limit of 20 tries .

Problem 2

**You should have separate files for class definition and implementation: User.h and User.cpp Create a class User, with separate interface and implementation, comprised of the following attributes: Data members (private): string: username int array: ratings Number of elements should be size int: numRatings Number of books in the database

Int: size The capacity of the ratings array (200). Constant Member functions (public): Default constructor Sets username to an empty string, numRatings to 0, size to 200, and all the elements of ratings array to the value – Parameterized constructor Takes a string, an array of integers, and one integer for initializing username, ratings, and numRatings, respectively. Make sure the value passed into the constructor for numRatings does not exceed the value of the data member size getUsername() Returns username setUsername(string) (void) Assigns username the value of the input string getRatingAt(int) Parameter: int index. Returns the rating stored at the specified index. If index is larger than the size of the ratings array, returns -1. setRatingAt(int,int) Parameters: int index, int value. Sets the rating to value at the specified index, if index is within the bounds of the array and value is between 0 and 5. Returns a boolean, true if the rating is successfully updated and false otherwise. getNumRatings() Returns numRatings setNumRatings(int) (void) Assigns numRatings the value of the input int getSize() Returns size It is advisable to write your own test cases for each class. Test your class in Cloud9 before submitting to the autograder, as the autograder has a submission limit of 20 tries .

Problem 3

Write a function readBooks that populates an array of Book objects with the title and author data found in the file books.txt. This function should: Accept four input arguments in this order: string: the name of the file to be read

array of Book objects: books data int: the number of Book objects currently stored in the array of Book objects int: capacity of the library system [assume a max of 200 books] Use ifstream, split(), and getline to read and parse data from the file. For each line in the file: instantiate a Book object, fill in the author and title data members, and append the object to your array of Book objects. Return the total number of books in the system, as an integer. If the file cannot be opened, return – Important: when testing your readBooks function, make sure it supports multiple calls in a row. For example, you should be able to call the function to read the file books1.txt , and then call the function again to read the file book2.txt . The result should be an array of Book objects, with the books from the first file, followed by the books from the second file.

Problem 4

Write a function readRatings that will populate an array of User objects with the name and rating values from the file ratings.txt. Each username represented in ratings.txt is followed by list of integers–ratings of each book in books.txt. Rating Meaning 0 Did not read 1 Hell No – hate it!! 2 Dont like it. 3 Meh – neither hot nor cold 4 Liked it! 5 Mind Blown – Loved it! This function should: Accept four arguments in this order: string: the name of the file to be read array of User objects: user data int: number of users currently stored in the array of User object int: the capacity of the user array [assume a max of 200 users]

Use ifstream, split(), and getline to read and parse data from the file. For each line in the file instantiate a User object, fill in the username data member, set the size data member equal to the capacity parameter populate the ratings array with the data in the file, and fill the rest fo the values in the array with the value – store a count for the number of ratings that are not -1 in the numRatings data member, and append the object to your array of User objects. Print the username of each user as they are added to the system: cout << user.getUsername() << "…" << endl; Return the total number of users in the system, as an integer. If the file cannot be opened, return – Important: when testing your readRatings function, make sure it supports multiple calls in a row. For example, you should be able to call the function to read the file ratings1.txt , and then call the function again to read the file ratings2.txt . The result should be an array of User objects, with the users from the first file, followed by the users from the second file. Expected output: cynthia… diane… joan… barbara… (etc.)

Problem 5
It will be useful to display the contents of your library. Next, make a function
printAllBooks that meets the following criteria:
 Accept three arguments in this order:
 array of Book objects: books data
 int: the number of books currently stored in the arrays of Books objects
 This function does not return anything
 If the number of books is 0, print No books are stored
 Otherwise, print Here is a list of books, followed by each book in the
following format
Driver function

Menu functionality is the same as in Homework 6. Please use the same menu function provided in Homework 6. The output of your Homework 7 should match the output from Homework 6, even if you are modifying the functions at Problems 3, 4 and 5. For Homework 7, we will be testing only options 1, 2, 3 and 6. Options 4 and 5 are not required in this homework. However, they will be required in the following homework. Note: the main function, menu function, and the function definitions for Problems 3, 4 and 5 should be included in Hmwk7.cpp. At the top of the Hmwk7.cpp file, dont forget to include the header files for the two classes: Book and User This is a menu-driven program, where the user is continually being offered six options, until they opt to quit.

  1. (graded) Initialize library Prompt the user for a file name. Pass the file name to your readBooks function. Print the total number of books in the database in the following format: Total books in the database: If no books are saved to the database due to wrong file name, then print the following message: No books saved to the database
  2. (graded) Initialize user catalog Prompt the user for a file name. Pass the file name to your readRatings function Print the total number of users in the database in the following format:
Total users in the database: <numberOfUsers>
 If no books are saved to the database due to wrong file name, then print
the following message:
No users saved to the database
  1. (graded) Display library contents Call your printAllBooks function.
  2. (not graded)Get number of books reviewed by a user Prompt the user for a username. Pass the username to your getUserReadCount function If the user exists in the system, print the result in the following format: rated books
  3. (not graded)Get average rating for a title Prompt the user for a title. Pass the title to your calcAvgRating function If the title exists in the database, print the result in the following format: The average rating for is Note: is a double with 2 decimal points.
  4. (graded) Quit Print good bye! before exiting

IMPORTANT: How to compile multiple .cpp files and .h files

In this homework, its required to write multiple files (.h and .cpp files) and test them before submitting them to the Inginious autograder. You need to compile and execute your code via command line . This means you need to type commands in a bash window, instead of pushing the Run button, like before.

Make sure you first change directory to the folder where your solution files are stored. Here, the folder is hmwk7. The command is cd, followed by the folders name: cd hmwk7/ When compiling in command line you need to specify all the .cpp files in your project. One example of the command for compiling the codes is: g++ -std=c++11 file1.cpp file2.cpp main.cpp The compiling command results in the creation of an executable file. If you did not specify a name for the executable file (like in the example above), the executable will be named a.out.To execute the file, use the following command: ./a.out You can add -o flag to specify the name of the executable file: g++ -o myExe.out -std=c++11 file1.cpp file2.cpp main.cpp To execute the file, use the following command: ./myExe.out Example1: Compiling book.cpp and Hmwk7.cpp. The picture below shows a bash window.

Example2: Here, the executable file is named hmwk7.

IMPORTANT: How to submit to autograder

You can find Homework 7 – Inginious link on Moodle under Week 9

  1. Click on the Homework 7 – Inginious link. Then, bind your INGInious account
  1. Choose sign in with G, and log-in with your colorado.edu identity key and password:
  2. Choose a username:
  3. After making an account, you need to go back to the submission link in Moodle, click it again, then Click Bind my account. Your should see a screen similar to the one below. Choose Bind my account
  1. Then, youre ready to submit the zip file
  2. What you submit: The file name: hmwk7.zip The zip file contains: Book.h, Book.cpp, User.h, User.cpp, Hmwk7.cpp The name of each file should be the exactly the same (e.g. B ook.cpp, B is large B).

To make sure you wont worry about zipping and submitting the correct files, we created a shell script file you can use: make_submission.sh. Simply download the shell script from Moodle, upload it to Cloud9, and run it from your folder to create the hmwk7.zip file. If filename is wrong, it gives a warning message. (it means your zip file does not contain necessary files) Then, download hmwk7.zip and upload it to INGInious Note : Everytime you make a modification, you need to make a new zip file and download a new zip file and upload it to INGInious.

Sample output: (user can select 1, 2 or 6. The user input in the bold ) Select a numerical option: ======Main Menu=====

  1. Read book file
  2. Read user file
  3. Print book list
  4. Find number of books user rated
  5. Get average rating
  6. Quit 1 Enter a book file name: wrongfile.txt No books saved to the database Select a numerical option: ======Main Menu=====
  7. Read book file
  8. Read user file
  9. Print book list
  10. Find number of books user rated
  11. Get average rating
  12. Quit 2 Enter a book file name: this_does_not_exist.txt

No users saved to database Select a numerical option: ======Main Menu=====

  1. Read book file
  2. Read user file
  3. Print book list
  4. Find number of books user rated
  5. Get average rating
  6. Quit 2 Enter a rating file name: ratings.txt cynthia… diane… joan… (… truncated… ) raymond… adam… johnny… Total users in the database: 86 Select a numerical option: ======Main Menu=====
  7. Read book file
  8. Read user file
  9. Print book list
  10. Find number of books user rated
  11. Get average rating
  12. Quit 1 Enter a book file name: books.txt Total books in the database: 50 Select a numerical option: ======Main Menu=====
  13. Read book file
  14. Read user file
  15. Print book list
  16. Find number of books user rated
  17. Get average rating
  18. Quit 3
Here is a list of books
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Watership Down by Richard Adams
The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Foundation Series by Isaac Asimov
(... truncated... )
Maus: A Survivor's Tale by Art Spiegelman
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan
The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien
Select a numerical option:
======Main Menu=====
  1. Read book file
  2. Read user file
  3. Print book list
  4. Find number of books user rated
  5. Get average rating
  6. Quit 6 good bye! Grading Rubric : Criteria Points Autograder – Inginious Comments/Style
Total 100
Early submission bonus + 5% or 2%


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