In this assignment you will develop a data structure to store a doubly linked list of nodes storing STL strings that represent the words in an essay. The user of this Essay class can perform typical editing actions to insert or erase one word at a time anywhere in the document. They can also “cut & paste” or splice a sequence of words from one location of the document to another. The exciting new feature for the Essay class that makes it different from STL list and the dslist class we saw in Lecture 11 is that we can backup the current version of the essay. As we continue to make further edits, the backup information is preserved, and we can access it through iterators. If we choose to revert the essay to the backup version, we effectively undo all actions performed since the backup. Please read through the entire handout, and study the provided test code in main.cpp before beginning your implementation.
The Essay Data Structure
To implement the Essay data structure, we will add the following member variables to the Node, list_iterator and Essay classes from Lecture 11. Note that we have renamed the dslist class to be the Essay class. Also note that the Essay class is not templated. The value in each Node is an STL string.
:head_ tail_:
:backup_head_ backup_tail_:
size_: 3
value_: apple
next_: next_:
NULL :prev_ :prev_ backup_next_: backup_next_:
list_iterator ptr_:
backup_: false Node
value_: carrot next_: NULL :prev_
backup_next_: NULL :backup_prev
added_: false removed_: false
value_: banana
NULL :backup_prev added_: false removed_: false
:backup_prev added_: false
removed_: false
Each Node object has 2 additional pointers, backup_next and backup_prev, that record the position of this word within the backup version of the Essay. Additionally, to help determine when a Node should be safely deleted, we add the boolean variables added_ and removed_. added_ is true if the Node has been added (via push_front, push_back, or insert) since the backup. Similarly, removed_ is true if the Node has been removed (via pop_front, pop_back, or erase) since the backup. The list_iterator for the Essay class must now support traversing the Nodes in either the current version of the essay (blue links) or the backup version of the essay (red links). Therefore, we add a boolean backup_ to the iterator that is false if we are stepping through the nodes in the current essay, and true if we are stepping through the backup essay. Finally, the Essay class has 2 additional pointers backup_head_ and backup_tail_ that store the first and the last nodes of the backup version of the essay. The Essay structure can pack two different orderings of doubly-linked lists within it. When the document is lengthy and the edits since the backup are small, the structure will use less memory than storing the two separate linked lists!
Provided Testing Framework
To further specify the required interface for the Essay class and to aid in your development and testing, we provide a main.cpp file with sample test cases. The diagram below illustrates the example from the
test_backup_and_revert function. We backed up the essay when it was just 3 words: apple banana carrot. Then we did a push_front, push_back, insert and erase. The essay now reads: FRONT apple MIDDLE banana BACK. When we perform a revert, we will permanently delete the 3 notes with added_ = true and set all pointers back to the state on the previous page. Note that immediately after a backup or revert operation: next_ == backup_next_, prev_ == backup_prev_, and added_ and removed_ are both false in every node in the structure. Note that added_ and removed_ are never both true in the same node.
value_: FRONT next_:
NULL :prev_ backup_next_: NULL NULL :backup_prev added_: true removed_: false
:head_ tail_:
:backup_head_ backup_tail_:
size_: 5
value_: apple next_:
:prev_ backup_next_:
NULL :backup_prev added_: false removed_: false
value_: banana next_:
:prev_ backup_next_:
:backup_prev added_: false
removed_: false
Node value_: carrot
next_: NULL
NULL :prev_ backup_next_: NULL
:backup_prev added_: false
removed_: true
Node value_: BACK
next_: NULL :prev_
backup_next_: NULL NULL :backup_prev added_: true removed_: false
value_: MIDDLE next_:
:prev_ backup_next_: NULL NULL :backup_prev
added_: true removed_: false
Your task is to implement the Node, list_iterator, and Essay classes. Note that because Essay is not templated, you will write two files: essay.h and essay.cpp. You are encouraged to comment and uncomment the provided tests in main.cpp as you work through the assignment. But your final submission for this assignment should not change the main.cpp file except to add your own test cases within the student_tests function. You will be graded on the completeness of the additional tests you write to explore the “corner cases” of the required member functions of Essay demonstrating that your implementation is complete and robust. You should also create tests of the Essay class copy constructor, assignment operator, and destructor.
Additional Requirements, Hints, and Suggestions
You may not use lists or vectors or other STL containers in this assignment. Instead, you will be manipulating the low-level custom Node objects, and the pointers that connect each Node to other Nodes in the structure. You must implement the data structure exactly as diagrammed, with the specified member variables. The only exception is an allowed modification to facilitiate decrement of the end() and backup_end() iterators.
Submitty will again be configured to use Dr. Memory to check your program for memory errors and memory leaks. Be sure to use Dr. Memory or Valgrind on your local machine as you develop to catch these problems early. Use good coding style when you design and implement your program. Be sure to make up new test cases and don’t forget to comment your code! Please use the provided template README.txt file for any notes you want the grader to read. You must do this assignment on your own, as described in the “Collaboration Policy & Academic Integrity” handout. If you did discuss this assignment, problem solving techniques, or error messages, etc. with anyone, please list their names in your README.txt file.