homework | 代做data mining | ai代做 | 代写机器学习 | hw代写 – Homework 5: Linear Regression, Features and

Homework 5: Linear Regression, Features and

homework | 代做data mining | ai代做 | 代写机器学习 | hw代写 – 这道题目是利用mining进行的编程代写任务, 涉及了data mining/机器学习等代写方面, 这个项目是lab代写的代写题目

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Following our exploration of housing prices in Boston, Massachusetts, we want to study housing prices in Ames, Iowa. We will use linear regression to predict sale prices from features such as size, number of bathrooms and neighborhood. While we want to add many features into the model, we need to avoid overfitting the training set. So along the way, we will get experience with regularization. We will use Ridge Regression to shrink the weights. Since we need an extra parameter to control the amount of shrinking, we will use validation to guess-and-check different values for the extra parameter. By completing homework 5, you should get…

Practice reasoning about features for linear regression particularly polynomial features
Intuition about regularization particularly Ridge Regression
Understanding of feature normalization to prevent against differ scales between features

We will guide you through some exploratory data analysis, laying out an approach to selecting features for the model. After incorporating the features, we will f IT a Ridge Regression model to predict housing prices. Finally we will analyze the error of the model. Along the way, we will try to pull together reusable code for each step.

We encourage you to think about ways to improve the model’s performance with your classmates. If you are interested in try out your ideas, then you could take part in a related modeling competition (https://www.kaggle.com/c/house-prices-advanced-regression-techniques)

Submission Instructions

Submission of homework requires two steps. See Homework 0 for more information.

Step 1

You are required to submit your notebook on JupyterHub. Please navigate to the Assignments tab to


your notebook. Consult the instructional video (https://nbgrader.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user_guide/highlights.html#student-assignment-list-extension- for-jupyter-notebooks) for more information about JupyterHub.

Step 2

You are required to submit a copy of your notebook to Gradescope. Follow these steps

Formatting Instructions

1. Download as  html (File->Download As->HTML(.html)).
2. Open the HTML in the browser. Print to .pdf
3. Upload to Gradescope. Consult the instructional video
(https://www.gradescope.com/get_started#student-submission) for more information about
4. Indicate the location of your responses on Gradescope. You must tag your answer's page numbers to
the appropriate question on Gradescope. See instructional video for more information.

Note that

You should break long lines of code into multiple lines. Otherwise your code will extend out of view from
the cell. Consider using \ followed by a new line.
For each textual response, please include relevant code that informed your response.
For each plotting question, please include the code used to generate the plot. If your plot does not
appear in the HTML / pdf output, then use Image('name_of_file', embed = True) to embed it.
You should not display large output cells such as all rows of a table.

Important : Gradescope points will be awarded if and only if all the formatting instructions are followed.

Collaboration Policy

Data science is a collaborative activity. While you may talk with others about the homework, we ask that you write your solutions individually. If you do discuss the assignments with others please include their names below. Collaborators: list names here

Name: list name here

NetId: list netid here

Collaborators: list names here


Question Points
Gradescope 2
Question 1 3
Question 2 4
Question 3 2
Question 4a 2
Question 4b 2
Question 5 2
Question 6 2
Question 7 2
Question 8a 2
Question 8b 2
Question 8c 2
Total 27

In [ ]:

# Import some packages for data science import pandas as pd import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns

from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge

import dsua_112_utils

# Modify some settings

% matplotlib inline plt.rcParams[‘figure.figsize’] = ( 10 , 7 ) plt.rcParams[‘font.size’] = 16 plt.rcParams[‘figure.dpi’] = 150

pd.options.display.max_rows = 20 pd.options.display.max_columns = 15

np.random.seed( 47 )

# Import some packages to help with configuration import os , sys from IPython.display import Image

In [ ]:


assert ‘pandas’ in sys.modules and “pd” in locals() assert ‘numpy’ in sys.modules and “np” in locals() assert ‘matplotlib’ in sys.modules and “plt” in locals() assert ‘seaborn’ in sys.modules and “sns” in locals() assert ‘dsua_112_utils’ in sys.modules and “Ridge” in locals()

Question 0 : Accessing the Data

The Ames dataset (http://jse.amstat.org/v19n3/decock.pdf) consists of 2928 records taken from the Assessors Office in Ames, Iowa. The records describe individual residential properties sold in Ames, Iowa from 2006 to 2010.

The data set has 82 features in total

46 Qualitative Variables
23 nominal
23 ordinal
34 Quantitative Variables
14 discrete
20 continuous variables

along with 2 additional identifiers. Please see description_of_features.txt for an explanation of each feature.

In [ ]:

assignment_path = ” {home} /shared/HW5″.format(home = os.environ[“HOME”])

training_data = pd.read_csv(f” {assignment_path} /hw5_training.csv”) testing_data = pd.read_csv(f” {assignment_path} /hw5_testing.csv”)

We split the data into

training set with 1998 records
test set with 930 records

We shold verify that the data shape matches the description.

In [ ]:


# 2000 observations and 82 features in training data assert training_data.shape == ( 1998 , 82 )

# 930 observations and 81 features in test data assert testing_data.shape == ( 930 , 82 )

# training and testing should have the same columns assert len(np.intersect1d(testing_data.columns.values, training_data.columns.values)) == 82

The Ames data set contains information that typical homebuyers would want to know. A more detailed description of each variable is included in description_of_features.txt. You should take some time to familiarize yourself with some of the features.

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Exploratory Data Analysis

We will generate a couple visualizations to understand the relationship between SalePrice and other features. Note that we will examine the training data so that information from the testing data does not influence our modeling decisions. Looking at the testing data introduces bias (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_dredging) into the model.

Question 1 : Summarizing the Data

We generate a raincloud plot (https://micahallen.org/2018/03/15/introducing-raincloud-plots/amp/? __twitter_impression=true) of SalePrice. Here we combine a histogram with density, a scatter-plot, and a box plot.

In [ ]:

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows= 2 )

sns.distplot( training_data[‘SalePrice’], ax=axs[ 0 ] ) sns.stripplot( training_data[‘SalePrice’], jitter=0.4, size= 3 , ax=axs[ 1 ], alpha=0. ) sns.boxplot( training_data[‘SalePrice’], width=0.3, ax=axs[ 1 ], showfliers= False , )

# Align axes spacer = np.max(training_data[‘SalePrice’]) * 0. xmin = np.min(training_data[‘SalePrice’]) – spacer xmax = np.max(training_data[‘SalePrice’]) + spacer axs[ 0 ].set_xlim((xmin, xmax)) axs[ 1 ].set_xlim((xmin, xmax))

# Remove some axis text axs[ 0 ].xaxis.set_visible( False ) axs[ 0 ].yaxis.set_visible( False ) axs[ 1 ].yaxis.set_visible( False )

# Put the two plots together plt.subplots_adjust(hspace= 0 )

# Adjust boxplot fill to be white axs[ 1 ].artists[ 0 ].set_facecolor(‘white’)

Having visualized the data, we should try to summarize it with statistics like the mean.

In [ ]:


To check your understanding of the graph and summary statistics above, answer the following True or False questions:

1. The distribution of SalePrice in the training set is skewed to the left. In other words, most of the data
clusters to the right.
2. The mean of SalePrice in the training set is greater than the median.
3. At least 25% of the houses in the training set sold for more than $200,000.00.

In [ ]:

q1statement1 = … q1statement2 = … q1statement3 = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:

# TEST assert set([q1statement1]).issubset({ False , True })

In [ ]:


assert set([q1statement2]).issubset({ False , True })

In [ ]:


assert set([q1statement3]).issubset({ False , True })

Data Processing

Question 2 : Number of Bathrooms

We know that Total Bathrooms can be calculated as:

Write a function add_total_bathrooms(data) that returns a copy of data with an additional column called TotalBathrooms computed by the formula above. Please avoid loops.

TotalBathrooms=(BsmtFullBath+FullBath)+ (BsmtHalfBath+HalfBath)

In [ ]:

def add_total_bathrooms(data): “”” Input: data: a table containing at least four columns of numbers Bsmt_Full_Bath, Full_Bath, Bsmt_Half_Bath, and Half_Bath

Copy of the table with additional column TotalBathrooms
# make a copy
with_bathrooms = data.copy()
# fill missing values with 0
bath_vars = ['Bsmt_Full_Bath', 'Full_Bath', 'Bsmt_Half_Bath', 'Half_Bath']
with_bathrooms = with_bathrooms.fillna({var: 0 for var in bath_vars})
# add the TotalBathrooms column
weights = np.array([ 1 , 1 , 0.5, 0.5])
raise NotImplementedError ()
return with_bathrooms

training_data = add_total_bathrooms(training_data)

In [ ]:


assert not training_data[‘TotalBathrooms’].isnull().any()

Using sns.boxplot to generate side-by-side boxplots showing the range of prices for different numbers of bathrooms. Take

In [ ]:

x = ‘TotalBathrooms’ y = ‘SalePrice’ data = training_data

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

plt.title(‘SalePrice distribution for each value of TotalBathrooms’);

To check your understanding of the chart, answer the following True or False questions:

1. Based on the trend in the chart, we should take houses with 5, 6, or 7 bathrooms to be outliers?
2. We find a positive correlation between price and number of bathrooms for houses with 1 to 4.

In [ ]:

q2statement1 = … q2statement2 = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:


assert set([q2statement1]).issubset({ False , True })

In [ ]:


assert set([q2statement2]).issubset({ False , True })

Encoding Features

We will create new features out of old features through transformations.

Question 3 : Size of House and Garage

We can visualize the association between SalePrice and Gr_Liv_Area. The description_of_features.txt file tells us that Gr_Liv_Area measures “above grade (ground) living area square feet.” This variable represents the square footage of the house excluding anything underground.

In [ ]:

sns.jointplot( x=’Gr_Liv_Area’, y=’SalePrice’, data=training_data, stat_func= None , kind=”reg”, ratio= 4 , space= 0 , scatter_kws={ ‘s’: 3 , ‘alpha’: 0. }, line_kws={ ‘color’: ‘black’ } );

Since Gr_Liv_Area excludes the garage space, we visualize the association between SalePrice and Garage_Area. The codebook.txt file tells us that Gr_Liv_Area measures “Size of garage in square feet.”

In [ ]:

sns.jointplot( x=’Garage_Area’, y=’SalePrice’, data=training_data, stat_func= None , kind=”reg”, ratio= 4 , space= 0 , scatter_kws={ ‘s’: 3 , ‘alpha’: 0. }, line_kws={ ‘color’: ‘black’ } );

Write a function called add_power that inputs

a table data
a column name column_name of the table
positive integer degree

and outputs

a copy of data with an additional column called column_name<degree> (without the angle
brackets) containing all entries of column_name raised to power degree. For instance,
add_power(training_data, "Garage_Area", 2) should add a new column named

In [ ]:

def add_power(data, column_name, degree): “”” Input: data : a table containing column called column_name column_name : a string indicating a column in the table degree: positive integer

Output: copy of data containing a column called column_name with entries o f column_name to power degree “”” with_power = data.copy()

new_column_name = column_name + str(degree)
new_column_values = with_power[column_name]**(degree)
raise NotImplementedError ()
return with_power

training_data = add_power(training_data, “Garage_Area”, 2 ) training_data = add_power(training_data, “Gr_Liv_Area”, 2 )

Among Gr_Liv_Area, Gr_Liv_Area2, Garage_Area, Garage_Area2 which has the largest correlation with SalePrice? Remember to use the function corr to compute correlations.

In [ ]:

highest_variable = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:


assert highest_variable in [‘Gr_Liv_Area’, ‘Gr_Liv_Area2’, ‘Garage_Area’, ‘Garag e_Area2’]

Question 4 : Neighborhood

Let’s take a look at the relationship between neighborhood and sale prices of the houses in our data set.

In [ ]:

fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows= 2 )

sns.boxplot( x=’Neighborhood’, y=’SalePrice’, data=training_data.sort_values(‘Neighborhood’), ax=axs[ 0 ] )

sns.countplot( x=’Neighborhood’, data=training_data.sort_values(‘Neighborhood’), ax=axs[ 1 ] )

# Draw median price axs[ 0 ].axhline( y=training_data[‘SalePrice’].median(), color=’red’, linestyle=’dotted’ )

# Label the bars with counts for patch in axs[ 1 ].patches: x = patch.get_bbox().get_points()[:, 0 ] y = patch.get_bbox().get_points()[ 1 , 1 ] axs[ 1 ].annotate(f'{int(y)}’, (x.mean(), y), ha=’center’, va=’bottom’)

# Format x-axes axs[ 1 ].set_xticklabels(axs[ 1 ].xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation= 90 ) axs[ 0 ].xaxis.set_visible( False )

# Narrow the gap between the plots plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.01)

We find a lot of variation in prices across neighborhoods. Moreover, the amount of data available is not uniformly distributed among neighborhoods. North Ames, for example, comprises almost 15% of the training data while Green Hill has only 2 observations in this data set.

One way we can deal with the lack of data from some neighborhoods is to create a new feature that bins neighborhoods together. Let’s categorize our neighborhoods in a crude way: we’ll take the top 3 neighborhoods measured by median SalePrice and identify them as “expensive neighborhoods”; the other neighborhoods are not marked.

Question 4a : Deter mining Expensive Neighborhoods

Write a function that returns a list of the top n neighborhoods by SalePrice as measured by our choice of aggregating function. For example, in the setup above, we would want to call find_expensive_neighborhoods(training_data, 3, np.median) to find the top 3 neighborhoods measured by median SalePrice.

In [ ]:

def find_expensive_neighborhoods(data, n, summary_statistic): “”” Input: data : table containing at a column Neighborhood and a column SalePrice n : integer indicating the number of neighborhood to return summary_statistic : function used for aggregating the data in each neighbo rhood.

Output: a list of the top n richest neighborhoods as measured by the summary stati stic “””

neighborhoods = (training_data.groupby("Neighborhood")
.agg({"SalePrice" : summary_statistic})
.sort_values("SalePrice", ascending = False )
return list(neighborhoods)

For example, if we want to find the top 5 neighborhoods in terms of average price, then we would could use find_expensive_neighborhoods.

In [ ]:

find_expensive_neighborhoods(training_data, 5 , np.mean)

Use find_expensive_neighborhoods to determine the top 3 neighborhoods in terms of median price.

In [ ]:

expensive_neighborhood_1 = … expensive_neighborhood_2 = … expensive_neighborhood_3 = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:


expensive_neighborhoods = [expensive_neighborhood_1, expensive_neighborhood_2, e xpensive_neighborhood_3]

assert set(expensive_neighborhoods).issubset(training_data[‘Neighborhood’].uniqu e())

Question 4b : Updating the Table

We now have a list of three expensive neighborhoods from Question 4a. We want to add a feature in_expensive_neighborhood to the training set.

Write a function add_expensive_neighborhood that adds a column in_expensive_neighborhood to the table. The values should be 0 or 1.

if the house is in an expensive_neighborhoods then the value is 1
if the house is not in an expensive_neighborhoods then the value is 0

Instead of loops, try to use the pandas function isin.

In [ ]:

def add_expensive_neighborhood(data, neighborhoods): “”” Input: data : a table containing a ‘Neighborhood’ column neighborhoods : list of strings with names of neighborhoods Output: A copy of the table with an additional column in_expensive_neighborhood “”” with_additional_column = data.copy()

with_additional_column['in_expensive_neighborhood'] = ...
raise NotImplementedError ()
return with_additional_column

Using the neighborhoods expensive_neighborhoods from Question 4a, we will add a column to the training set.

In [ ]:

training_data = add_expensive_neighborhood(training_data, expensive_neighborhood s)

In [ ]:


assert sum(training_data.loc[:, ‘in_expensive_neighborhood’]) == 191 assert sum(training_data.loc[:, ‘in_expensive_neighborhood’].isnull()) == 0


We can use the features from Question 2, Question 3, and Question 4 to determine a model.

Question 5

Remember that we need to normalize features for regularization. If the features have different scales, then regularization will unduly shrink the weights for features with smaller scales.

For example, if we want to normalize the features Garage_Area and Gr_Liv_Area then we could use the following approach.

In [ ]:

Z = training_data[[‘Garage_Area’,’Gr_Liv_Area’]].values

Z_normalized = (Z – Z.mean(axis = 0 )) / Z.std(axis = 0 )

Following the transformation, each column has mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

Write a function called normalize that inputs either a 1 dimensional array or a 2 dimensional array Z of numbers and outputs a copy of Z where the columns have been transformed to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

To avoid dividing by a small number, you could add 0.00001 to the standard deviation in the denominator.

In [ ]:

def standardize(Z): “”” Input: Z: 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional array Outuput copy of Z with columns having mean 0 and variance 1 “”” Z_normalized = …

raise NotImplementedError ()
return Z_normalized

In [ ]:


Z = training_data[[‘Garage_Area’,’Gr_Liv_Area’]].values

assert np.all(np.isclose(standardize(Z).mean(axis = 0 ), [ 0 , 0 ]))

Question 6 : Validation Set

Let’s split the training set into a training set and a validation set. We will use the training set to fit our model’s parameters. We will use the validation set to estimate how well our model will perform on unseen data. If we used all the data to fit our model, we would not have a way to estimate model performance on unseen data.

In [ ]:

# Run to make a copy of the original training set

training_data_copy = pd.read_csv(f” {assignment_path} /hw5_training.csv”)

We will split the data in training_data_copy into two tables named training_data and validating_data.

First we need to shuffle the indices of the table. Note that the training set has 1998 rows. We want to generate an array containing the number 0,1,…,1997 in random order.

In [ ]:

length_of_training_data = len(training_data_copy)


shuffled_indices = np.random.RandomState(seed=RANDOM_STATE).permutation(length_o f_training_data)

Note that we set a seed to allow for reproducible random numbers. See lab 12 for more information about random numbers.

Second, we want to split the indices into two pieces

train_indices containing 80% of the shuffled indices
validate_indices containing 20% of the shuffled indices

Here we want to leave 20% of the data for validation.

In [ ]:

train_indices = shuffled_indices[:int(length_of_training_data * 0.8)] validate_indices = shuffled_indices[int(length_of_training_data * 0.8):]

Third we use the indices training_data and validating_data to access the corresponding rows in training_data_copy to generate the training set and validation set. Try to use iloc to access the rows.

In [ ]:

training_data = … validating_data = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:


assert training_data.shape == ( 1598 , 82 ) assert validating_data.shape == ( 400 , 82 ) assert np.intersect1d(train_indices, validate_indices).size == 0

Reusable Pipeline

We want to try a couple different models. For each model, we will have to process the data. By chaining the transformations together, we can repeatedly fit models to data. We write a function called process_data that combines the transformation from

Question 2 : calculate total number of bathrooms
Question 3 : add square of Gr_Liv_Area and Garage_Area
Question 4 : indicate expensive neighborhoods
Question 5: standardize the columns

We use the pandas function pipe to chain together these transformations in order.

In [ ]:

def select_columns(data, columns): “””Select only columns passed as arguments.””” return data.loc[:, columns]

def process_data(data): “””Process the data for a guided model.”””

nghds = find_expensive_neighborhoods(data, n= 3 , summary_statistic=np.median)
data = ( data.pipe(add_total_bathrooms)
.pipe(add_power,'Gr_Liv_Area', 2 )
.pipe(add_power,'Garage_Area', 2 )
.pipe(add_expensive_neighborhood, nghds)
.pipe(select_columns, ['SalePrice',
'in_expensive_neighborhood']) )
data.dropna(inplace = True )
X = data.drop(['SalePrice'], axis = 1 )
X = standardize(X)
y = data.loc[:, 'SalePrice']
y = standardize(y)
return X, y

Note that we split our data into a table of explantory variables X and an array of response variables y.

We can use process_data to transform the training set and validation set from Question 5 along with the testing set from Question 0.

In [ ]:

X_train, y_train = process_data(training_data) X_validate, y_validate = process_data(validating_data) X_test, y_test = process_data(testing_data)

Fitting the Model

We are ready to fit a model. The model we will fit can be written as follows:

Here Gr_Liv_Area, Gr_Liv_Area2, Garage_Area, and Garage_Area2 are continuous variables and is_in_rich_neighborhood and TotalBathrooms are discrete variables. While is_in_expensive_neighborhood is a one-hot encoding of categories, TotalBathrooms can be understsood as a number.

Question 7 : Ridge Regression

We will use a sklearn.linear_model.Ridge (https://scikit- learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.Ridge.html) to implement Ridge Regression. Note that alpha is the extra parameter needed to specify the emphasis on regularization. Large values of alpha mean greater emphasis on regularization.

SalePrice= 1 Gr_Liv_Area+ 2 Gr_Liv_Area
+ 3 Garage_Area+ 4 Garage_Area
+ 5 is_in_expensive_neighborhood
+ 6 TotalBathrooms

In [ ]:

ridge_regression_model = Ridge(alpha = 1 )

ridge_regression_model.fit(X_train, y_train)


We want to try many different values for the extra parameter. Some values will give better models than other values.

In [ ]:

models = dict() alphas = np.logspace(- 4 , 4 , 10 )

for alpha in alphas: ridge_regression_model = Ridge(alpha = alpha) models[alpha] = ridge_regression_model

We have generated a dictionary called models with

key : the value of the extra parameter alpha
value : a model for Ridge regression with the corresponding alpha

Fit each of the models to the training data X_train, y_train.

In [ ]:

for alpha, model in models.items(): # YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:


assert all([len(model.coef_) == 6 for model in models.values()])

We can plot the slopes determined from the data for each value of alpha.

In [ ]:

labels = [‘Gr_Liv_Area’, ‘Garage_Area’, ‘Gr_Liv_Area2’, ‘Garage_Area2’, ‘TotalBathrooms’, ‘in_rich_neighborhood’]

coefs = [] for alpha, model in models.items(): coefs.append(model.coef_)

coefs = zip(*coefs)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(ncols= 1 , nrows= 1 )

for coef, label in zip(coefs, labels): plt.plot(alphas, coef, label = label)

ax.set_xscale(‘log’) ax.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # reverse axis plt.xlabel(‘alpha’) plt.ylabel(‘weights’) plt.title(‘Ridge Regression Weights’) plt.legend();

Evaluating the Model

Is our linear model any good at predicting house prices? Let’s measure the quality of our model by calculating the Mean Square Error between our predicted house prices and the observed prices.

Here we have a function called mse that calculates the error.

houses in test set(actual price of housepredicted price of house)^2
# of houses in data set

In [ ]:


def mse(observed, predicted): “”” Calculates RMSE from actual and predicted values Input: observed (1D array): vector of actual values predicted (1D array): vector of predicted/fitted values Output: a float, the root-mean square error “”” return np.sqrt(np.mean((observed – predicted)** 2 ))

Question 8a : Mean Square Error

For each alpha, we use mse to calculate the training error and validating error.

In [ ]:

mse_training = dict() mse_validating = dict()

for alpha, model in models.items(): y_predict = model.predict(X_train) mse_training[alpha] = mse(y_predict, y_train)

y_predict = model.predict(X_validate)
mse_validating[alpha] = mse(y_predict, y_validate)

We store the calculations in dictionaries mse_training and mse_validating. Here

key : a value for the extra parameter alpha
value : mean square error of the corresponding model

Which value of alpha has the smallest mean square error on the training set?

In [ ]:

alpha_training_min = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:

# TEST assert alpha_training_min in alphas

Which value of alpha has the smallest mean square error on the validation set?

In [ ]:

alpha_validating_min = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

In [ ]:

# TEST assert alpha_validating_min in alphas

Question 8b

Using the alpha from Question 8a with the smallest mean square error on the validating set, predict SalePrice on the testing set. For the prediction, you can use the corresponding model fit to the data from Question 7.

In [ ]:

model = models[alpha_validating_min]

y_predict = …

# YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplementedError ()

One way of understanding the appropriateness of a model is through a residual plot. Run the cell below to plot the actual sale prices against the residuals of the model for the test data.

In [ ]:


residuals = y_test – y_predict

plt.axhline(y = 0 , color = “red”, linestyle = “dashed”) plt.scatter(y_test, residuals, alpha=0.5);

plt.xlabel(‘Sale Price (Test Data)’) plt.ylabel(‘Residuals (Actual Price – Predicted Price)’) plt.title(“Residuals vs. Sale Price on Test Data”)

q8b_gca = plt.gca();

In [ ]:


assert “q8b_gca” in locals() assert set(y_test) == set(dsua_112_utils.get_scatter(q8b_gca)[:, 0 ])

Question 8c : Next Steps

We want the residuals to be close to zero. Moreover, we do not want a pattern in the scatter-plot.

However the most expensive homes are always more expensive than our prediction.

What changes could you make to your linear model to improve its accuracy and lower the test error? Suggest at least two things you could try in the cell below, and carefully explain how each change could potentially improve your model’s accuracy.

Your Answer Here