IOS代写 | 移动开发 – 这是一个典型的ios开发训练
Mobile Application Programming: iOS
project 0 – Values
Create a very simple application that offers sliders to represent two values and labels that show arithmetic operations on those values.
- A window with a light gray background.
- Two sliders centered in the window.
- Static X and Y labels on the left of the sliders.
- Dynamic labels on the right of the sliders that change to reflect the slider value as it changes.
- Labels that show arithmetic operations on the values that update as the sliders change. Show at least addition and multiplication operations.
– Create the window and root view controller in the application delegate using code. Do not use storyboards. – Add the various views to the root view controllers view. Compose the view hierarchy in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. We will improve app architecture in later assignments. – Use the addTarget:action:forControlEvents^ method on the sliders to observe the changes of value. The action selector can be created with a string containing the method name.
Extra Credit
None on this assignment
You should hand in a zip file containing your project. To do this, zip the folder and transfer it to a CADE computer and use the following command. DO NOT USE THE web VERSION OF HANDIN! IT MANGLES FILES! There is a detailed description on the CS4530 course website.
handin cs4530 project0