java代写/game代写: 这是一个利用java进行gui编写和扫雷游戏编写的大作业,难度大,对编程能力要求高
ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II
• Designing an application utilizing event-driven programming.
• The Model-View-Controller design pattern.
• Using a stack.
Figure 1: Initial screen of our MineSweeper game.
Background information
We are going to create our own implementation of the game “MineSweeper”. Several Web versions are available, for example
Here is a description of the game, taken from in this game, a board is filled with many
small squares. Some squares contain mines (bombs), others do not. If you click on a square containing a mine, you lose.
If you manage to click all the squares that do not contain a mine, without clicking on any square that contains a mine, you
win. Clicking a square which does not have a mine reveals the number of neighbouring squares containing mines. Use this
information plus some guess work to avoid the mines. To open a square, point at the square and click on it. A squares
“neighbours” are the squares adjacent above, below, left, right, and all 4 diagonals. Squares on the sides of the board or in a
corner have fewer neighbours. The board does not wrap around the edges. If you open a square with 0 neighbouring mines, all
its neighbours will automatically open. This can cause a large area to automatically open.
In the original game, the first square you open is never a mine, however, to simplify our implementation, our first square
could be a mine. The original game has also a feature to mark the square that are thought to be a mine, but we won’t be
implementing that part here.
Figure 1 shows an example of the initial state of the game. Figure 2 shows one step of the game. The player wins when all
the mines are found (Figure 3). The player loses when a square containing a mine is clicked (Figure 4).
Figure 2: One step of the game.
Figure 3: The player wins when all the squares that are not mines are uncovered. The remaining squares of board are then
uncovered and the player is offered a choice of playing again or quitting.
Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a very common design pattern, and you will easily find lots of information about it on-line
(e.g. Wikipedia, Apple, Microsoft to name a few). The general idea is to separate the roles of your classes into three categories:
• The Model: these are the objects that store the current state of your system.
• The View (or views): these are the objects that are representing the model to the user (the UI). The representation reflects
the current state of the model. You can have several views displayed at the same time; though in our case, we will have
just one.
• The Controller: these are the objects that provide the logic of the system, how its state evolves over time based on its
interaction with the “outside” (typically, interactions with the user).
Figure 4: The player loses when a mine is clicked. The remaining squares of board is then uncovered, with the clicked mine
displayed on a red background. The player is offered a choice of playing again or quitting.
One of the great advantages of MVC is the clear separation it provides between different concerns: the model only focuses
on capturing the current state, and doesn’t worry about how this is displayed nor how it evolves. The view’s only job is to
provide an accurate representation of the current state of the model, and to provide the means to handle user inputs, and pass
these inputs on to the controller if needed. The controller is the “brain” of the application, and doesn’t need to worry about state
representation or user interface. Thus each part can be designed, programmed, and tested independently.
In addition to the separation, MVC also provides a logical collaboration-schema between the three components (Figure 5).
In our case, it works as follows:
1. When something happens on the view (in our case, mostly when the user clicks the square which is covered), the controller
is informed (message 1 of Figure 5).
2. The controller processes the information and updates the model accordingly (message 2 of Figure 5).
3. Once the information is processed and the model is updated, the controller informs the view (or views) that it should
refresh itself (message 3 of Figure 5).
4. Finally, each view re-reads the model to reflect the current state accurately (message 4 of Figure 5).
Figure 5: The collaboration between the Model, the View and the Controller.
The model (20 marks)
The first step is to build the model of the game. This will be done via the class GameModel and the helper class DotInfo. Our
unique instance of the class GameModel will have to store the current state of the game. This includes
• The icon (number of neighbouring mines, or blank if none) and status (covered or not) of each dot on the board. The
class DotInfo helps with this.
• The size of the board.
• The number of steps taken by the player so far
• The number of mines around each dots
• The total number of mines in the Model
• The number of uncovered dots so far
It also provides the necessary setters and getters, so the the controller and the view can check the status of any square, and
the controller can change the status of a square. Finally, it provides a way to (re)initialize the game, reallocating the initial
position of the mine randomly.
A detailed description of the classes can be found in the documentation. The starting files for the source code are at gvj/Courses/ITI1121/assignments/02/
The Controller (40 marks)
Note: as a development strategy, we suggest that you first create a very simple, temporary text-based view that prints the state
of the model (via the model’s toString() method) and asks the user to input the next square to select (by asking for a column
and a line). Having this basic view will give you an opportunity to test your model and your controller independently from
building the GUI.
The controller is implemented in the class GameController. The constructor of the class receives the width and height of
the board and the number of mines to hide on the board as parameters. The instance of the model and the view are created in
this constructor. The instance of the class GameController is the one in charge of the computing the consequences of the user
clicking a square. The controller’s play(width, height) method is used to compute the consequence of clicking the square at
location width X height. In that method, the controller computes the new state of the game, including the possibility of a loss,
in which case the user is being informed (see Figure 4). That method also checks if all the mine-free squares have been clicked,
and ends the game if that is the case (see Figure 3). At the end of the game, the player can choose to play again or exit the
When the game finishes, regardless if won or lost, the entire board should be uncovered. In case of a loss, the mine that has
been clicked should be displayed on a red background (see Figure 4).
“Minesweeper” game
When the player clicks on a square that was not clicked before, that square must be uncovered. If it contained a mine, then the
player just lost (Figure 4). Otherwise, the number of neighbouring mines should be displayed; a blank icon is used when that
number is zero (instead of an icon showing “0”), otherwise an icon with the actual number of neighbouring mines, from 1 to 8,
is used.
When the square has zero neighbouring mines, the it means that all covered squares around that square can safely be
clicked on without risking to click on a mine. The game does this automatically for the player. So each time a square without
neighbouring mines is clicked, all (up to 8) neighbouring squares must in turn be uncovered. If some of these neighbouring
squares are themselves without neighbouring mines, then their own neighbour should be cleared, etc. We call this effect zone
Note: as an implementation strategy, we suggest that you do not implement the zone clearing mechanism at first. Without
zone clearing, the game is perfectly playable, but the “clearing” must be done manually. Once you have a game that works well
without zone clearing, you can complete it by adding this feature.
In this assignment, we are going to rely on a stack to implement zone clearing. A stack interface is specified, but you need
to provide a proper implementation for it. For the time being, we will use an array-based implementation.
Here is a sketch of an algorithm that you will use to implement the stack-based zone clearing. The parameter initialDot
is the newly clicked square. Remember that zone clearing is only initiated when the square initially selected by the player has
zero neighbouring mines (in other words, initialDot has zero neighbouring mines, otherwise the method is not called).
create an empty stack.
push the initial dot to the stack
While the stack is not empty Do
remove a dot d from stack
For all dot n neighboring d
If n is not covered then
uncover it
if n has no neighbouring mines
push n onto the Stack
End if
End If
End For
End While
The instance of the class GameController is created by the class Minesweeper, which contains the main. By default, a
width of 20 and a height of 12 is used for the board, and 36 mines are used. Three runtimes parameters can be passed on to
the main to change these defaults parameters (exactly three parameters, or none at all). Some verifications are still done when
parameters are used: the width should be greater than 10, otherwise the default is used. The height should be greater than 12,
otherwise the default is used, There should be at least 1 mine, otherwise the default is used. Finally, if the number of mines
specified equals or exceeds the number of squares on the board, then the value used instead is the number of squares minus 1.
In this assignment, you can assume that the parameters, if provided, can be parsed as integers.
A detailed description of the classes can be found in the documentation. The starting files for the source code are at gvj/Courses/ITI1121/assignments/02/
The view (40 marks)
We finally need to build the UI of the game. This will be also be done based on the class GameView, which extends JFrame.
It is a window which shows at the bottom the number of steps played so far, and two buttons, one to reset and one to quit the
game. Above these the board is displayed. The board is made of a series of squares, h lines and w columns of them (where h
is the height of the board, w is the width of the board). Figure 6 shows the full GUI.
Figure 6: The GUI with a game of width 20 height 12 mine 36.
To implement the square, we will use the class DotButton which extends the class JButton. DotButton is based on Puzzler
by Apple.You can review the code of the program “Puzzler” seen in lab 5 to help you with the class DotButton. The code
for DotButton includes a method getImageIcon() which uses the current value of the instance variable icon to find the correct
ImageIcon reference. In order to use getImageIcon(), the series of icons must be put in a subdirectory called “icons”. The value
for the variable “icon” must match one of the predefined constant integers of the class Note that conveniently,
the constants corresponding to the number of neighbours matches the actual number of neighbours (0 for zero neighbour, 1 for
one neighbour etc.)
For the dialog window that is displayed at the end of the game, have a look at the class JOptionPane.
Note that although instances of the GameView classe have buttons, they are not the listeners for the events generated by
these buttons. This is handled by the controller.
A detailed description of the classes can be found in the documentation. The starting files for the source code are at gvj/Courses/ITI1121/assignments/02/
Bonus (10 marks)
The actual game has an additional feature which allows to “flag” squares that are believed to hide a mine. Flagging these
square helps the player keeping track of the assumed state of the board. Additionally, a flagged square cannot be clicked, so
this prevents mistakenly setting of a mine. As a bonus question, you could implement that missing feature. If you do, then you
need to find a way for the player to distinguish between “flagging” a square and “clicking” a square. You need to indicate the
squares that are flagged (an icon has been included for that purpose). The player should be able to “unflag” a flagged square, to
make it clickable as well. Additionally, it would be interesting to show on the UI the number of mines that have yet to be found
(that is, to show the difference between the number of mines and the number of flagged squares).
Rules and regulation
Follow all the directives available on the assignment directives web page, and submit your assignment through the on-line
submission system BrightSpace.
You must preferably do the assignment in teams of two, but you can also do the assignment individually. Pay attention to
the directives and answer all the following questions.
You must use the provided template classes. You cannot change the signature of the provided methods.
You must hand in a zip file, and only a zip file, containing the following files, and only the following files:
• A text file README.txt which contains the names of the two partners for the assignments, their student ids, section, and
a short description of the assignment (one or two lines).
• The source code of all your classes
• a subdirectory “icons” with the icon images in it
• The corresponding JavaDoc doc directory.
•, properly completed and properly called from your main.
• Failing to strictly follow the submission instructions will cause automated test tools to fail on your submission. Consequently,
your submission will not get marked.
• A tool will be used to detect similarities between submissions. We will run that tool on all submissions, across all the
sections of the course (including French sections). Submissions that are flagged by the tool will receive a mark of 0.
• It is your responsibility to ensure that your submission is indeed received by the back-end software, blackboard. If you
submission is not there by the deadline, it will obviously not get marked.
• Late submission will not be accepted.
Last Modified: February 7, 2018