Lab代写 | UML绘制 – PA1 UML Class Diagram

Lab代写 | UML绘制 – 这是一个UML面向对象设计的题目,考察软件设计概念的理解

PA1 UML Class Diagram

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Functional Requirements (Version 1)

2.1. Product Services
  1. JMUTunes will offer the capability for storing and displaying information about digital audio files.
  2. The program will allow the user to enter information for the artist and title of a digital audio file and optionally the album and track number for the digital audio file.
  3. The program will store the audio file information in an AudioFile object within a one-dimensional array of AudioFile objects.
  4. The program will allow the user to delete the last audio title entered.
2.2. Error Handling
  1. The program will ensure that all user input is in range for any prompt. For example, if the user enters a value for a track number, that number must be an int greater than 0 and less than 100. If the user enters a value for the operation to be performed (see below), that entry must be a String with a length of one (1) and must be one of the following: A/a, E/e, D/d, S/s, P/p, N/n, B/b, or Q/q (see the User Interface Specifications below). If a particular data item is required, the program will ensure that a value is entered.
  2. Methods that accept parameters will ensure that invalid values are handled gracefully. For example, a method that accepts an object as a parameter should test that the object is not null before continuing. A method that requires an int that is greater than 0 should ensure that values less than 1 are not accepted. You can generally handle these by enclosing the method within an if clause that tests for valid input. For example:
public void someMethod( String s )
{ if ( s != null ) {
// rest of method
JMUTunes Audio Player
CS159 (Fall 2018)
(A)dd, (E)dit, (D)elete, (S)earch, (P)lay, (N)ext, (B)ack, (Q)uit.
Choose Operation ->
public void someMethod( String s )
{ if ( isValidInput( s ) ) {
// rest of method

2.3. User Interface Specifications

  1. The user interface will adapt its spacing to that of a standard character terminal ( lines x 80 columns).
  2. In all cases where the user is asked to enter information following a prompt, the users input must be on the same line as the prompt (and not on the line below).
  3. When the program begins, the following screen will display:
  4. The first two lines will be centered at the top of the screen. These will then be followed by 2 blank lines. The next 16 lines should be numbered from 1 to 16 as shown above. All should be followed by a period, and the periods should be vertically aligned. This will be followed by another blank line followed by list of the possible operations that can be performed. This list of operations should be centered. Note: parentheses are used to designate the letter to be used to perform a particular operation. This, in turn, is followed by another blank line which is followed by the users prompt (Choose Operation). The users prompt should be aligned with the list of operations above. Make sure to include a single space
Choose Operation -> 3
<blank line>
Incorrect entry (3).
Choose Operation ->
Add Audio File


Required entry. Artist:

following the prompt (-> ) so that the user entry does not abut against the
  1. The user must choose one of the letters enclosed by parenthesis in the screen above. If the user enters an incorrect value, the program should print an error message along with the incorrect entry and and force the user to re-enter the value using the same prompt as above. For example, if the user enters the number 3 instead of one of the allowable choices, the output will appear like this:
This error message and re-prompt should be indented at the same level as the
prompt above and should continue to appear so long as the user persists in entering
incorrect data.
  1. If the user chooses A or a (for Add), the program will print 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and prompt the user the enter the artist, song title, album, and track number for the musical composition. The add operation should begin with a title followed by two (2) blank lines followed a prompt for the artist:
Artist is a required field. If the user presses <ENTER/RETURN> without entering
a value (or just whitespace), the program should print an error message and force
the user to re-enter the information as follows:
This error message and re-prompt should continue to appear so long as the user
persists in entering incorrect data.
Once the artist has been entered, the program should prompt for the title:

Required entry. Title:

Add Audio File

Artist: Required Entry. Artist: Beatles Title: Love me do Album: Meet the Beatles Track: 2

<blank line>
Must be a number between 1 and 99.
The title should be vertically aligned with the artist. Title is also a required field.
If the user presses <ENTER/RETURN> without entering a value (or just whitespace),
the program should print an error message and force the user to re-enter the
information as follows:
This error message and re-prompt should continue to appear so long as the user
persists in entering incorrect data.
Once the user has entered the title, the program should prompt for the album and
then the track number. Both album and track number are optional fields  that is,
the user can choose to enter nothing here by pressing the <ENTER/RETURN> key. If
the user does enter a track number, then it must be an int greater than 0 and less
than 100 (199).
If the user enters a value that is out of range for the track number, then the program
should print an error message and force the user to re-enter the value as follows:
Add Audio File
Artist: Beatles
Add Audio File

Artist: Required Entry. Artist: Beatles Title Required Entry. Title: Love me do Album: Meet the Beatles Track: 0 Must be a number between 1 and 99. Track: 2 Add (Y/N):

<blank line>
Must be 'Y' or 'N'.
Add (Y/N):
This error message and re-prompt should continue to appear so long as the user
persists in entering incorrect data.
Once all information has been entered, the program should print a blank line
followed by a prompt asking the user to confirm (or deny) the addition:
If the user chooses Y or y, the program should add the record to the
AudioList (see below, under Non-functional Requirements). If the user
chooses N or n, the program should not add the record to the AudioList. If
the user enters anything other than Y/y or N/n, the program should print an
error message and re-prompt the user for the correct input as follows:
This error message and re-prompt should continue to appear so long as the user
persists in entering incorrect data.
The program should then print 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original
screen) and return to the opening screen, although with the added AudioFile
showing in the list.
Edit Audio File
This function is not currently available.
Press <ENTER/RETURN> to continue...
If there is no album, then you should omit the parentheses. For example, if the
above example did not include an album, then the line would read:
Beatles, Love me do
If the text is too wide for the screen (assume 80 characters for the screen width
less whatever space is taken at the left side), then you should truncate the entry
and conclude with 3 dots (...). The String for artist, title (album) should not
exceed a maximum length of 72 characters. If the String is longer than this, then
use the first 69 characters followed by 3 dots. For example:
Weird Al Yankovich, Some Really Bizarre Song by Weird Al (Weird Als...
  1. If the user chooses E or e (for Edit), the program should print 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and then print the following:
The cursor should pause after the  Press <ENTER/RETURN>  line. Once the user
presses the <ENTER/RETURN> key, the program the program should print 25 blank
lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and return to the opening screen.
JMUTunes Audio Player
CS159 (Fall 2018)

**1. Beatles, Love me do (Meet the Beatles)


(A) dd, (E)dit, (D)elete, (S)earch, (P)lay, (N)ext, (B)ack, (Q)uit.
Choose Operation - >
Delete Audio File

Delete “Beatles, Love me do (Meet the Beatles)”? (Y/N) ->

Delete Audio File

Delete “Weird Al Yankovich, Some Really Bizarre Song by Weird Al…”? (Y/N) ->

<blank line>
Must be 'Y' or 'N'.
Delete "Beatles, Love me do (Meet the Beatles)"? (Y/N) ->
Delete Audio File
Nothing to delete.
Press <ENTER/RETURN> to continue...
  1. If the user chooses D or d (for Delete), the program should print 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and ask the user if they wish to delete the last record entered. The prompt should include the information presented in the opening screen with surrounding quotation marks. If the line is too long for the space (60 characters max), then truncate as above (ending with .. .), so that you leave enough space at the end of the line for a Y/N answer:
If the user enters Y or y, the last record entered will be removed from the
AudioList (see below, under Non-functional Requirements). If the user enters
N or n, the record will be left untouched. If the user enters anything other than
Y/y or N/n, the program should print an error message and re-prompt the user
for the correct input as follows:
Following a correct entry by the user, the program should then print 25 blank lines
to the screen (to clear the original screen) and return to the opening screen.
If there are no records to delete (the list is empty), the program should print 25
blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and then print the following:
The cursor should pause after the  Press <ENTER/RETURN>  line. Once the user
presses the <ENTER/RETURN> key, the program should print 25 blank lines to the
screen (to clear the original screen) and return to the opening screen. The deleted
audio file should no longer be present.
Search Audio Files

This function is not currently available. Press <ENTER/RETURN> to continue…

Play Audio File

This function is not currently available. Press to continue…

  1. If the user chooses S or s (for Search), the program should print 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and then print the following:
The cursor should pause after the  Press <ENTER/RETURN>  line. Once the user
presses the <ENTER/RETURN> key, the program should print 25 blank lines to the
screen (to clear the original screen) and return to the opening screen.
  1. If the user chooses P or p (for Play), the program should print 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and then print the following:
The cursor should pause after the  Press <ENTER/RETURN>  line. Once the user
presses the <ENTER/RETURN> key, the program should print 25 blank lines to the
screen (to clear the original screen) and return to the opening screen.
  1. If the user chooses N or n (for Next), the program will bring 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and advance to the next page of audio files (items 17 – 32 for page 2, items 33 – 48 for page 3, etc.). If there are no further pages of audio files, then this command will have no effect.
  2. If the user chooses B or b (for Back), the program will bring 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and move to the previous page of titles. If the program is displaying the first page, then this command will have no effect.
  3. If the user chooses Q or q (for Quit), the program will bring 25 blank lines to the screen (to clear the original screen) and terminate.
  1. Non-functional Requirements (Version 1)
3.1. Development Requirements
  1. Classes: Your program will be built using a Model/View/Controller (MVC) architecture.
AudioFile : This class represents a single audio file. It will need instance
variables to store the artist ( String ), title ( String ), album ( String ), and
track ( int ) information. It will need methods to set and get these values.
It will also need a toString() method that returns the String required
for the display list. This class will require the following public methods:
  • public AudioFile( String artist, String title, String album, int track ) This constructor will set the values of the incoming parameters to the respective instance variables. You should use the various set… methods below to handle the assignments.
  • public boolean canAdd() This method will return true if the AudioFile object is correctly configured and false otherwise. An AudioFile object will be correctly configured if both the artist and title attributes contain values ( !null && length > 0 ) and the track is valid (between 1 and 99, or -1 if not entered).
  • public String getAlbum() This method will return the album String.
  • public String getArtist() This method will return the artist String.
  • public String getTitle() This method will return the title String.
  • public int getTrack() This method will return the track number (as an int ).
  • public void setAlbum( String album ) This method will set the value of the album attribute. If the incoming parameter is null , this should be set to an empty String.
  • public boolean setArtist( String artist ) This method will set the value of the artist attribute. The method will return true if the value of artist is valid ( !null && trimmed length > 0 ). If the incoming parameter is either null or an empty String , then the method should assign an empty String to artist and return false.
  • public boolean setTitle( String title ) This method will set the value of the title attribute. The method will return true if the value of title is valid ( !null && trimmed length > 0 ). If the incoming parameter is either null or an empty String , then the method should assign an empty String ( ) to title and return false.
  • public boolean setTrack( int track ) This method sets the value of the track attribute. The method will return true if the value of track is valid ( >= 1 && <= 99, OR – 1 if no track was entered) and false otherwise. Note: this method should accept and maintain whatever value is sent. If the track is invalid then the method should return false and the canAdd() method should return false.
  • public String toString() this method returns the String required for the display list (see above).

AudioList : This class represents the collection of audio files used by your program. It will need an instance variable to represent the collection this will be built around an array of AudioFile objects as well as an int variable called last that indicates the position in the array for the last element added. As a collection, this class will require methods to add an AudioFile to the collection, delete an AudioFile from the collection, and get (return) an AudioFile from the collection. You should also provide a method that returns the size of the collection (the number of AudioFile s currently stored, not the size of the array). This class will require the following public methods:

  • public boolean add( AudioFile audio ) This method adds an AudioFile to the end of the list. This method will return true if the AudioFile can be added successfully. An AudioFile can be added successfully if its canAdd() method returns true. If the AudioFile cannot be added (if its canAdd() method returns false ), then the method should return false. Note: this method will need to check the size of the array to ensure that there is room to add the AudioFile. If the array is full, the method will need to double the size of the array as indicated below. You will need to increment the value of last whenever an AudioFile is added.
  • public int capacity() This method returns the current size (capacity) of the array.
  • public boolean deleteLast() This method removes from the array the last AudioFile object that was added. This method should return true if the deletion was successful, and false if nothing was deleted. You will need to decrement the value of last whenever a AudioFile is removed.
  • public AudioFile get( int whichOne ) This method will return the AudioFile object found at the position indicated by whichOne. If the value of whichOne is invalid, then the method will return null.
  • public int size() This method returns the size of the collection (the number of AudioFile objects currently stored). This is not the same as the capacity of the array (unless, of course, the array is full).


AudioView: All interaction between the user and the program will be
here. This is the only class that can contain System.out.print/
println() statements. This is also the only class that can use a
BufferedReader object. You should NOT user Scanner. Use only
BufferedReader! This class should have the following methods:
  • public void display( String str ) This method will display the value of str to the screen. You will need to use System.out.print() rather than System.out.println() here.
  • public String getInput() This method will get input from the user and return what the user enters as a String.
  • public void pause( String message ) This method will print the incoming message and wait for the user to press the <ENTER/RETURN> key.
  • public void clearScreen() This method will print 25 blank lines to the screen.
AudioControl: This class will control the action of the program as a
whole. It will use the View and Model objects to accomplish its tasks.
This program will have a method that begins the program (called
start() ). You should think here about decomposing the problems with
which you are dealing. For example, the opening screen displays
information to the user, gets a response from the user, and then acts on that
response. These could be 3 methods that are are called from the initiating
method ( start() ). See the solution to  lab 2 for an example of how such a
control class can work.
In addition, your program will have a class called JMUTunes that contains the
main method. This method will instantiate the AudioController and
invoke its starting method ( start() ).
  1. Data Store: The AudioFile objects will be stored in a one-dimensional array of AudioFile objects stored within an AudioList object. The array will initially contain 16 elements. AudioFile objects will be stored in the order they are added. If more elements are needed (if the array is full), then the AudioList should double the size of the array. You will need to create a new array with twice the number of elements contained by the current array, copy each cell from the current array to the new array, and then rename the new array to that of the current array.

3.2. Testing Requirements

  1. You will need to provide a JUnit4 test class (not JUnit5 !) for each of the model classes that tests each method within each model class. The test classes should named according to the class that it tests followed by the word Test. So, for example, the JUnit test class for AudioFile should be named AudioFileTest. You will find it easiest to allow Eclipse to generate the shells of your JUnit test program (see the lab on this).

3.3. Stylistic Requirements

  1. Your source code (excluding your JUnit tests) must adhere to the Checkstyle requirements as outlined in the Style Guide. Assignments missing the acknowledgement statement specified in the Style Guide will receive a 50% deduction. This statement must appear in the class header for each class in your assignment.

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