python代写 | Game代写 | OOP编程 – Prisoner’s Dilemma Agent

python代写 | Game代写 | OOP编程 : 这是一个利用python编写的游戏练习

The iterated prisoner’s dilemma is a classic two-person game which consists of a number of rounds. In each round,
each person can either defect by taking $1 from a (common) pile, or cooperate by giving $2 from the same pile to the
other person [4]. In the one-round game, there is one Nash equilibrium in which both players defect1
. However, when
humans play the iterated (multi-round) game they often are able to achieve cooperation over many rounds. A purely
rational agent will optimise over his expected long-term payoffs, possibly by averaging over his expectations of his
opponent’s type (or strategy). The prisoner’s dilemma has long been studied, starting with the work of [2, 3]. Recent
work has shown that strategies exist for iterated PD in which one player can dominate another [5]. These so-called
zero-determinant (ZD) strategies have been shown, however, to be evolutionarily unstable [1].
In this assignment you will write a computer program to play the Prisoner’s dilemma. Your program must be
written in Python 2.X, and must implement the following abstract base class with three functions:
class PDBot:
def init(self):
def get_play(self):
def make_play(self, opponent_play):
You will be provided with a file that has this abstract base class in it, as well as the file
with an implementation of an “almost-tit-for-tat” agent that plays tit-for-tat (start with give $2 and always repeat what
the opponent did in the last turn afterwards) 90% of the time, and does a random action 10% of the time. The file also includes a simple interactive test program (main function) so you can try it out.
Your functions will be called in the same order that they are in the test program. At the start of all games, your
constructor will be called (if you provided one). Then, at the start of each game, init is called. Then, at each round,
first get_play followed by make_play is called with whatever the opponent played in the last round. This means
that you can’t see what your opponent is going to play before deciding what to play (and the same holds for your
opponent). Your function get_play must return either of two strings ’’give 2’’ or ’’take 1’’. If your
function returns anything else, it will be replaced with ’’give 2’’. Your agent must be able to play a round in
under 5 seconds.
1The exact payoffs are not necessarily $2 and $1, but it must be the case that a game with actions of give $R and take $P has (R+P) > R > P
for mutual defection to be the Nash equilibrium of the game. If 2R > (R + P), then mutual cooperation is the best global outcome.
What to hand in (on LEARN – as TWO SEPARATE FILES (not zipped together):
• A name for your agent (be creative!) – include this in your file names and written in your PDF document.
• Your code in a single file called For example, my student
number is 12345678, so I submit AwesomeBot in a file named Your agent
name (and first part of the file name) must be identical (case sensitive) to the name of your subclass of PDBot.
• A short (max 500 words) description of how your agent works, including why you believe it to be the best agent
for this game. Be concise. If you’ve implemented a strategy described elsewhere (e.g. in a paper), give a clear
reference. If your bot is designed to collude with other bots (see Notes below), indicate this clearly. Submit a
PDF ONLY document with this description in a single file called _.pdf.
Your agent will be played in a tournament against each other submitted agent, as well as against 11 agents that
will be submitted by the instructor. Your agent will play 5 consecutive games against each other submitted agent, each
game consisting of 15 ± 3 rounds (plays of give 2 or take 1 by both agents). Due to the random-ness in the game, the
tournament will be run 10 times and the final scores will be the average of all 10 mean scores per round per agent.
Thus, each bot will play each other bot a total of 100 times (5×2 times per tournament, 10 tournaments). The results
will show the mean and standard deviation of each bot’s mean score per round over all games it played (over the 10
Your grade will be assessed as follows for a total of 12 marks (7 marks for CS686) with an available 3 marks bonus.
Each mark is 1% of your final grade.
• 1 marks for submitting an agent correctly according to the instructions above.
• 1 mark for your agent’s name (be creative!)
• 10 marks (5 marks for CS686) for how innovative, creative, or strategically powerful your agent is (even if just
in theory). To assign these marks, I will primarily look at your write-up. If you submit one of the examples
described above or tit-for-tat (or something equivalently simple), you can still get full marks by giving a convincing
reason why this agent is best. If you submit a very complex and elegant bot, you can get full marks for
the assignment even if your bot fails miserably in the tournament.
• 3 bonus marks (same for CS686) for performance in the tournament. All agents will be ranked after the tournament
by average score per round.
– Agents ranked between the 25% and 50% of ranks will get 1 bonus mark.
– Agents ranked the top 25% of ranks will get 2 bonus marks.
– Agents ranked in the top 10 ranks will and additional bonus mark for a total of 3 bonus marks
The ranks will include ties, so it is possible for more than 1/2 of the class to score bonus marks.
So, you can get full marks in this assignment by writing either a basic agent that does really well, or a highly innovative
agent that does really poorly. You can score up to 15 marks (10 marks for CS686) by implementing something really
innovative that beats all but 9 (or less) of the other agents.
In addition, the creator of the two top scoring agents (not including those submitted by the instructor!) will each
receive a $25 Amazon gift card.
• Your code must run with no special libraries or files, be written in Python 2.X, and must be submitted according
to the instructions above. If your code does not run, or uses too much memory, your agent may be disqualified.
If your agent is disqualified, you may still get full marks for the assignment as described above.
• Your agent must be able to play a round in under 5 seconds. If we find some agent that is consistently taking
longer than this, that agent may be disqualified.
• Your agent will play the other agents in a random order. For each opponent, your agent will be instantiated once
at the start. Then, at the start of each game, your agent’s init method will be called. Your agent therefore can
have a memory of all games it has played against an opponent, but it will have no memory across opponents
(i.e. its constructor will be called once at the start of all games against an opponent, but its init method will
be called at the start of each game, so you can re-initialize if you want). Each set of 5 games against each other
agent will be played consecutively.
• It may be possible to form coalitions in the game. Although each student must submit his/her own agent,
students are not prevented from discussing strategies beforehand, or even from designing agents that collude
with each other. However, during the tournament, your agent will not be told which other agent it is playing
against, so collusion will require some form of handshaking. If you decide to do this, be sure to indicate who
you are colluding with in your write-up. Further, the instructor will be submitting 5 agents and these may also
take advantage of any coalitions that are formed.
• Your code is not allowed to read/write to the file system or the network. Any code found to be doing this will
be disqualified.
[1] Christoph Adami and Arend Hintze. Evolutionary instability of zero-determinant strategies demonstrates that
winning is not everything. Nature Communications, 4, 2013.
[2] R Axelrod and WD Hamilton. The evolution of cooperation. Science, 211(4489):1390–1396, 1981.
[3] David M. Kreps, Paul Milgrom, John Roberts, and Robert Wilson. Rational cooperation in the finitely repeated
prisoners dilemma. Journal of Economic Theory, 27:245–252, 1982.
[4] Roger B. Myerson. Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachussetts,
[5] William H. Press and Freeman J. Dyson. Iterated prisoners dilemma contains strategies that dominate any evolutionary
opponent. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(26):10409–10413, 2012.

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