python代写/python作业代写/编程代写/cs代写: No one can be told what the Ranktrix is

Assignment 5: No one can be told what the Ranktrix is

python代写/python作业代写/编程代写/cs代写: 这是一个基本的python任务,涵盖了基础的python知识点

In this assignment we will explore evaluation of an information retrevial system where both queries
and results are movies. Ever wanted to know what the most similar movie to “The Matrix” is, in
terms of language? Now is your chance! You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your
dorm on West Campus and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in
CS/INFO 4300 and we show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Follow the instructions below to get the necessary packages installed and set up your Python
environment, then open the attached Jupyter notebook.
Run the notebook and complete the tasks contained in it, then upload the completed notebook and
an HTML copy of it to CMS.
Learning Objectives
This project aims to help you get comfortable working with the following tools / technologies /
● TF-IDF vectorization using sklearn
● Similarity matrices
● Precision & Recall
● Cosine similarity vs Jaccard similarity
● Rocchio Algorithm
Academic Integrity and Collaboration
Note that these projects should be completed individually. As a result, all University-standard
academic integrity guidelines must be followed.
Setting up your environment
System Configuration
Perform the following steps in order:
1. Check your Version of Python3 (should be 3.5)
You can check via:
> python3 –version
Python 3.5.2
If your version differs, then download 3.5 here.
2. Get PyPI (Python Package Index)
PyPI allows one to easily download Python modules required to run the project, as well as ones
that may help you perform certain tasks in the future of the course. PyPI is essential. As such, run:
> python3
3. Download Virtualenv
Virtualenv helps establish an isolated Python environment. The environment allows you to
separate project-specific dependencies and their versions from the Python modules installed locally
on your computer. Once you have virtualenv, cd into the directory where the extracted
assignment is stored (e.g. assignment1), and run:
> virtualenv -p python3 venv
This creates a virtual environment called venv. In order to enter than virtual environment, run the
> source venv/bin/activate
The following command line prompt will indicate that you’re in the virtual environment:
(venv) >
To deactivate the virtual environment, run the following:
(venv) > deactivate
Whenever you work with this project, you should always be in your virtual environment. Without
this isolation, we might run into module versioning issues and other problems when trying to run
your project, which creates administrative overhead.
4. Install Dependencies
At the root of directory of the project skeleton code, run the following:
(venv) > pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This installs within your virtual environment all the necessary modules that are required at the
beginning of the project.
5. Setup Jupyter Notebook
To use your virtualenv as the kernel for your Jupyter Notebook you run the following:
(venv) > python3 -m ipykernel install –user –name=venv
6. Open Jupyter Notebook and start working
Open the Jupyter Notebook enviroment and complete the assignment.
Make sure to go to Kernel > Change Kernel and click venv as the option.
> source venv/bin/activate
(venv) > jupyter notebook


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