代写Oop | Assignment | 代做Java – 这是一个java面向对象编程的题目
Fundamentals of Programming in Java
If a class does not compile, the mark for that specific exercise will be zero. This does not affect the marks of other exercises that do not depend on that class.
If the instructions to create specific methods have not been followed for any specific exercise, then the mark for that exercise will be zero.
If a class uses one of the excluded java classes for that exercise, e.g.ArrayList, the mark for that specific exercise will be zero.
Where excluded, if a class uses regular expressions in its implementation, the mark for that specific exercise will be zero. This does not apply toStringconstants that are technically regular expressions when used by a method (e.g.String split()) but are also simpleStrings (for example a space character expressed as aString).
General marking information for all exercises and assignments
The mark for all of your programs will have three components.
Functionality: This will account for the largest proportion of the marks and will either be based
on the results of unit tests or on the basis of user testing by a teaching assistant or by the module
leader. This component does not take into account the style or quality of a program. The unit tests
simply test specific functionality as stated or implied by the exercise or assignment specification.
Style: This will check that your programs conform to the style requirements that have been issued
and are on Canvas. This will be evaluated bycheckstyle.
Quality: This will consider the quality of your solution. Quality is described below but is, inevitably
and deliberately, more subjective.
Each set of exercises and each assignment has a total mark of 100. The individual exercises also have a total number of marks available. This is always shown in square brackets in the exercise title. For example, Exercise 1a has 15 marks available. The marks for individual exercises sum to 100.
In general, all exercises will be marked for functionality, style and quality. The amount that each compo- nent is weighted can vary per exercise. The functionality marks will usually be the most heavily weighted.
For example, an exercise might have the weightings: functionality (70%), style (10%), quality (20%).
Each individual exercise has its own marks, as stated above. For example, based on the example weight- ings above, if the total marks for an exercise are 20 then the components will be worth: functionality ( marks), style (2 marks), quality (4 marks).
Finally, the important thing to remember is that all stated marks for individual tests and style checks are scaled according to the relative weightings set for the exercise. Thus, the magnitude of those marks doesnt matter in itself, it is the magnitude of the marks in relation to each other that matters.
Each bit of functionality is given a specific mark. If your program fails at that bit of functionality, the mark shown in brackets on the marking scheme for that particular exercise will be scaled and then deducted from your mark for the exercise. If a test has a higher number of marks then it is worth more (with or without scaling) than one with a lower number of marks.
There is an example of how this works under exercise 1a in the marking scheme document for that exercise.
A note about the tests: the tests are not exhaustive in all cases. Sometimes tests that I intended to run will be removed.
Refer to the style document for information about the style you must use.
Each instance of a style failure is generally worth a 1 mark deduction. However, an incorrect class decla- ration order has a deduction of 2 marks and having more than one top-level class results in a deduction of 4 marks. However, again, these values need to be scaled to give the final deduction.
A mark of zero will be given if you have 20 or more (unscaled) marks deducted for style. If you have fewer than 20 marks deducted, then you will receive a proportion of the marks. For example, if an exercise has 15 marks, and the style component is worth 40%, then the maximum style marks is 6 marks. If you have no style failures this means you will receive full style marks (in this example, 6 marks). If you have 10 style marks deducted then you will receive 3 marks for style (since 1020 = 0.5; 0. 5 6 = 3).
Note that style also affects quality. The style component of your marks results from a mechanical assessment bycheckstyle. If your poor style affects program quality, you will also lose marks for quality.
The quality of your solutions will be assessed as follows. Note that these criteria are more subjective than those for functionality and style. It is also the case that functionality, style and quality interact. If you have used a poor style, then your program will potentially also have a lower quality. This means that poor style also impacts poor quality.
We are using only a small subset of software quality factors. The lists below do not restrict you to produc- ing programs that have this minimal level of quality. These are the factors that will be assessed, however.
The proportion of marks for quality may vary per exercise. However, whatever proportion is allocated to quality, the marks will be given as detailed below.
Reliability [40% of quality marks]
Reliability is a measure of the likelihood of your program failing. In the real world, reliability is extremely important. Users quickly lose faith in an unreliable system and errors could also be literally fatal.
For the purpose of these exercises, a lack reliability means the following:
The extent to which illegal input values will cause unpredictable behaviour.
The extent to which short cuts and hacks might compromise a programs ability to perform
continuously and without errors.
The extent to which poor style practices might compromise a programs ability to perform con-
tinuously and without errors. For example, the use of magic numbers where those might impact
reliability, non-defensive use of floating point values, etc.
If the quality marks are, for example, weighted 0.2, then that means 0. 4 0 .2 of the maximum marks are allocated to reliability.
Efficiency [20% of the quality marks]
Efficiency is a measure of how much time and space a program uses. An efficient program might use less time and space than a non-efficient one. It goes without saying that a program must also do what it is meant to do.
For the purpose of these exercises, a lack of efficiency means the following:
The use of excessively complex structures selection and iteration structures. For example, a doubly-
nested l oop when a single loop would have performed the same task in less time.
The use of excessively large arrays and memory inefficient types of your own creation. For example,
classes that have unnecessary data members.
Lack of use of pre-computation. That is, computing values inside a loop that could have been
computed before the loop started.
If the quality marks are, for example, weighted 0.2, then that means 0. 2 0 .2 of the maximum marks are allocated to efficiency.
Maintainability [40% of the quality marks]
Maintainability is a measure of how hard or easy it would be to fix errors and make changes to your program.
For the purpose of these exercises, a lack of maintainability means the following:
Creation of brittle code that is hard to change without breaking it. For example, the use of a large,
nestedif-elsestructure where it is hard to see how and where additional cases could be added.
A lack of structure to a program. For example, putting most of the code in themainmethod rather
than using other methods to perform some tasks.
Methods with too manyreturnstatements.
Lack of adaptability to some related task(s).
If the quality marks are, for example, weighted 0.2, then that means 0. 4 0 .2 of the maximum marks are allocated to maintainability.