Project 4: Transactions, CMSC424, Fall 2017


Note: this project does not need to be run in the VM, and does need to be run with
Python 2.x, not python3. If you have acccess to a mac or a unix/linux box, run
it there. Windows may or may not work.
We have provided an optional vagrant file in which you can run python 2.7.
You do not need to use this, but it is there if necessary.

In this project, you will modify a very simple database system that we have written to illustrate some of the transactions functionality.
The database system is written in Python and attempts to simulate how a database system would work, including what blocks it would read from disk, etc.

NOTE: This codebase is different from the Project 4 codebase, with simpler relation schema and querying interface, but a more complex Buffer Pool Manager, and file management.
See some details below.

Another Important Note: We have taken a few shortcuts in this code to simplify it, which unfortunately means that there may be important synchronization failures we missed. Let me know if you see any unexpected behavior.

Synchronization in Python

Although you won’t need to do any synchronization-related coding, it would be necessary for you to understand the basic Python synchronization primitives. The manual
explain this quite well: High-level Threading Interface in Python. Some basics:

Each transaction for us will be started in a sepearate thread (see for some examples). The main command for doing so is: threading.Thread, which takes a function name as an argument.
The main synchronization primitives are: Lock and RLock (Sections 16.2.2 and 16.2.3 in the manual above). You create them by calling threading.Lock() or threading.RLock(), and you use them by acquiring and releasing them. Only one thread can take a Lock or a RLock at any time.
Two other primitives build on top of the above: Conditions and Events. See the manual for the details on those. We use Conditions in to signal threads.
Using with simplifies this: a Lock/RLock/Condition/Event is passed as an argument, and only one thread can be in the body of the with.

A Relation is backed by a file in the file system, i.e., all the data in the relation is written to a file and is read from a file. If a Relation is created with a non-existing fileName, then a new Relation is created with pre-populated 100 tuples. The file is an ASCII file — the reading and writing is using json module.
You can open the file and see the contents of it. also contains a LRU Buffer Pool Implementation, with a fixed size Buffer Pool.

This contains the implementaion of the Lock Table, and a Log Manager. Some more details:

class LockTable: This class implements a standard hash-based lock table. Object names are used as the identifiers for locking (so objectids must be unique across all
relations and tuples). The code here and elsewhere implicitly assumes that there is a single relation in the database. For each such object name, we keep track of the transations that currently have the lock (at most one in case of X locks), and a list of transactions that are waiting for a lock.
To avoid starvation: if T1 wants an S lock and T2 currently has one on that object, but T3 is waiting (say because it wants an X lock), we make T1 also wait, even though the locks would be compatible.
Since we don’t have an ability to interrupt a running thread (a limitation of Python), a waiting transaction wakes up periodically and checks whether it needs to be aborted. Currently, the hasBeenAborted will never return true, since no one sets that — your deadlock detection code needs to set that by calling singleAbortTransaction() on an appropriate transaction.

class LogManager: This should be relatively straightforward. The transactions create log records (see below). revertChanges undoes a transaction in case of aborts. You can use Transaction4 to test this.

class TransactionManager: manages the currently running transactions, basically doing some bookkeeping.

class TransactionState: This class encapsulates some of the basic functionality of transactions, including some helper functions to create log records, keeping track of
what locks the transaction currently holds, etc.

This contains some code for testing. You should be able to run: python to get started. Note that the first time you run it, it will create the
two files relation1 and logfile, but after you kill it, the logfile will be inconsistent (we never write out CHECKPOINT
records in normal course). So the second time you run it, it will error out since the restartRecovery code is not implemented. So if you want to work on the other
two tasks, you should remove those two files every time.

Currently the only way to stop is through killing it through Ctrl-C. If that doesn’t work, try stopping it (Ctrl-Z), and then killing it using kill %.

Your Task

Your task is to finish a few of the unfinished pieces in the two files (1 point for the first one, and 2 points each for the latter two).

Implementing IX Locks in Currently the code supports S, X, and IS locks. So if a transaction needs to lock a tuple in the X mode, the entire relation
is locked. This
is of course not ideal and we would prefer to use IX locks (on the relation) to speed up concurrency. The code for this will largely mirror the code for IS. You will
have to change the getXLockTuple() function and also the compatibility_list appropriately.
Function detectDeadlocksAndChooseTransactionsToAbort() in The deadlock detection code is called once every few seconds. You should analyze the waits-for graph and figure out
if there are any deadlocks and decide which transactions to abort to resolve it. This function only needs to decide which transactions to kill — our
code handles the actual abort (see detectDeadlocks()).
Function restartRecovery() in This function is called if the log file indicates an inconsistecy (specifically if the logfile does not end with an empty CHECKPOINT record). If that’s the case, then you must analyze the logfile and do a recovery on that.


Submit your modified file here. We will test your functionality in a (partially) automated fashion, using a set of test cases.

You shouldn’t need to change anything in If you see any need for that, let us know and we can modify and commit changes to that file
if we decide that is needed.

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